View Full Version : CRP Blood test query

06-05-16, 15:18
I've been anxious about my health now for 4 months. I've had urinary frequency issues, a bit of TMJ in my jaw. Lately I seem to have picked up 2 sports injuries that are mild but stubbornly refuse to heal. I know these are all very different ailments in nature but I've been worried they maybe linked to some sort of inflammaory response in the body. My doctor ran blood tests which came back normal. I asked him can he judge inflammation from these tests and he said the CRP result was 0.6 well within a normal range of 0-10. Does anyone know if CRP measures inflammation?

06-05-16, 15:22
" C-reactive protein (CRP) is a blood test marker for inflammation in the body. CRP is produced in the liver and its level is measured by testing the blood. CRP is classified as an acute phase reactant, which means that its levels will rise in response to inflammation" . Seems like you're right in the middle, sounds great to me. Be happy

06-05-16, 15:40
Thanks for that. If I have tendonitis for a sports injury should this not elevate CRP?

06-05-16, 16:16
You never know, maybe your normal is a 4 and it is elevated to 6 because of this. That's just the way I would think of it as I have health anxiety over everything. I am positive that your doctor would have wanted to examine you further if they had any reason to believe something was wrong. I know it's tough but in the end we just need to know that these doctors are professionals and know best.

06-05-16, 16:42
Tends to elevate with inflammatory diseases and infection rather than injury. I have severe spinal issues which always causes inflammation but my crp has always been normal range like you.

06-05-16, 22:31
Yep CRP measures inflammation. I have to get mine checked regularly because of Crohn's which is an inflammatory disease.