View Full Version : Genuine health problem making ha worse

06-05-16, 17:02
I have herniated discs in my spine from top to bottom and for past 6 weeks have had increasing severe pain and sciatica. I am due an mri in 10 days time. I also have fear of any drugs but the pain is so bad and I am incapable of doing much because of it that I now have to try nerve pain drugs.
I have been given amitriptylene to take at night but know that rarely at hgh doses this can trigger breast cancer so of course worrying about this plus it can cause other side effects.
I have tried a few short acting pain killers to no effect on my pain although plenty of side effects and Dr has just given me tramadol to try. I think I tried it in the past without sucess but a very long time ago.
I am also worrying about what medical intervention I will need to put my back right as I have had back problems for many years but have always coped with pain etc due to my fear of treatments/surgery but this time the pain is out of control and stopping my life.

06-05-16, 23:33
Does your doctor think it's time to look at a corrective procedure? I know that will be very scary to consider, a guy I worked with had a curvature which would give him periods where he couldn't do much more than lie on the floor. I remember him saying his wife left him on the kitchen floor for a day or two because of one bout and he too was worried about possible surgery in later years.

There may be other meds? Some anti anxiety meds are used in certain pain conditions so maybe there is the option of helping with both?

I don't have much to add really but wanted to bump your thread as you spend a lot of time on here helping others so should be getting some support back.

07-05-16, 00:02
Sorry to hear your hurting :( Pain, and especially back pain, messes with your entire constitution. I've had Tramadol since I weaned off opioids after treatment and it helps. I try to use ibuprofen but there are times I have to have something stronger. I typically take 100mg once a day or every other day and have for close to three years, But... if you're having some serious physical back issues as you say, it may be time to bite the bullet and consider medical/surgical intervention. My wife suffered a back injury that required surgery. She said it gave her her life back.

I hope you get some relief soon.

Positive thoughts

07-05-16, 12:44
Aw hun, so sorry to hear you're in pain. I don't know a great deal about either of those medications however believe tramadol is codeine based so can be addictive and cause withdrawal.
You need to decide what you can manage, I was very frightened of surgery (mine was minor) but it reached a point that the pain outweighed my fears so I had to go through with it.
You might feel more in control of your choices following your mri as you'll have a better idea of what is going on and what the options are, in the meantime it's a waiting game and trying to be reduce your pain using whatever methods you can.
Does heat help?
I wish I could offer you more support or advice, but I'm here if you just want to sound off.
Take care,

07-05-16, 13:30
I'm so sorry about your pain... I have neck and back issues and they really do interfere with everything. It makes sense that your HA is up because you are under such stress right now.

I've had tramadol before ... It did help but I only took it for a week. It didn't knock the pain out totally but was enough that I could get some sleep.

Have you had any procedures before, like injections or anything? I think they do those prior to resorting to surgery from what I've heard.

07-05-16, 20:08
Huge thanks everyone. I doesn't matter that you might not have any practical advice to give just knowing you understand helps alot.

I have started the amitriptylene. Apart from getting yukky taste in my mouth last night seemed okay.

Today I was a little better till 6pm when I had tried to stand and walk a bit too much and ended up back to dreadful hip and leg pain.

Taken first tramadol, I seem to remember when I tried them 30 years ago they did nothing in any way either side effect or pain relief but needed to try one so I can tell Dr! Will see what happens.

Yes I may have now got the point where I will have to have intervention if I want a life, scary thought.

07-05-16, 20:18
You may feel better after seeing consultant as they'll be able to explain the benefits of the procedure to you. It's that uncertain time that anxiety sufferers have great difficulty in managing as for the majority of us the fear of the unknown is worse than the reality.
Hope the painkillers help so you can at least get some rest.

07-05-16, 20:45
While waiting for your MRI try to take the meds as prescribed, it's not for off and taking the meds for a short time will not harm you.
I'm very afraid of meds too.
Once they see what the problem is you can decide how to approach treatment.
Please take care.

07-05-16, 21:11
Thanks traceypo and mugs. As expected the tramadol has not given me any effects good or bad - this is an achievement given how powerful tramadol is but I seem to one of those rare people who lack a liver enzyme needed to metabolise painkilling drugs. Only I:wacko:

I will keep on with the amitriptylene and see if I get any relief in three weeks as this is the time it takes for this drug to help, if not then the next one to try is gabapentin.

I know what will bug me after the scan is that the nhs grinds extremely slowly so whoever my GP thinks I should see will have quite a wait be it pain clinic which is months or surgeon.

07-05-16, 21:43
All you can do is try to manage your pain as best you can until you see what's wrong.
Has anybody ever mentioned trying Pregabalon/Lyrica?
Do you know for sure you have herniated discs from top to bottom?

07-05-16, 22:55
I have had alot of mri scans of my spine over years because of my disc problems. I have a totally prolapsed neck disc and degenrated thoracic discs and I have 3 lumbar discs with multiple small herniations. My last lumbar scan was 4 years ago hence Dr wanting a new one with my sudden severe change in symptoms/pain. The chances are that one of these discs has herniated alot more.

I know about lyrica - they generally try you with gabapentin first as its cheaper and if that not tolerated then you can try lyrica.

07-05-16, 23:01
I see, thanks.
I really hope you can get some relief soon.
Take care.

08-05-16, 10:19
That's what I was thinking off, Pregabalin. I know they will try the Gabapentin first with the problem being pain but if you do end up on Preg (they won't give Preg at all in Buckinghamshire due to cost cutting :mad:), maybe it will help with the anxiety side too? Not everyone seems to get on with it but those who do speak highly off it on the Preg board and say how the side effect profile is much better than SSRI/SNRI's.

Also, there are other antidepressants used for certain types of pain. Whether they would try those, I don't know with you being on Amitriptyline already at this stage.

08-05-16, 14:31
The amitrip seems to be giving me insomnia as I haven't slept the 2 nights I have taken it but apparently this can happen although rare and they say to take it in the morning instead.

The tramadol the Dr gave me on Friday is doing nothing at all for the nerve pain, the only relief I can get is to lay down flat.

I will try and see Dr again tomorrow as I am struggling to cope with this level of pain with no relief available, even gabapentin takes a few weeks to work if I try that:weep:

08-05-16, 14:58
It must be a challenge with anxiety, it does tend to heighten awareness of pain alone so things must be very hard for you right now. :hugs:

My dad has occasional bouts of sciatica. One time it was so bad be was crawling around on the floor as he couldn't stand up for a couple of days. He said the same, only lying down seemed to help. I bought him one of those TENS machines when he had a later episode of it and it did help so be uses it each time now with varying effect but he says it works well and better than any of the physio hew had.

Hassle your GP. Like you said, pain conditions can mean months of waiting and the more you badger them the more they will treat it with urgency.

If Preg kicks in quicker, could they do that to reduce the current pain and then switch down to the Gabapentin? They may be less willing due to the cost but if it gives you back some quality of life sooner, it's got to be worth it. I don't know if it would kick in quicker though, it's just a guess at something to look into.