View Full Version : Terrified and struggling to cope atm its so strong :(

06-05-16, 21:27

Ive been posting on here regularly about this bowel c fear and atm im feeling terrible depressed as f***! And feeling really run down :(. I now have a back ache that sometimes seems to move from lower back up to the middle.

Although my bowel movements feel better, I managed to empty my self last night for once had some wind and went to the toilet in the morning again pretty normal no constipationor watery came out quite normally.

Now today at work I went about 8 times really bad cramps and once I went and thought I saw blood on one of my stools but I did look down and looked at it from various angles on my knees and it did look brown light brown to be precise and flipped it over with toilet paper and was light brown on that side aswell. But now I keep overthinking if I saw it right or not, I'm pretty sure I did other wise I probably would've been terrified instantly.

The cramps move sometimes lower right, under my chest, in the middle and sometimes In my back. There was a few quite sharpish today but mainly the ache as usual. I just feel so down, so lost, so scared I'm not with it at all :(

Idk if it's my job thats stressing me out I work in retail maybe I subconciously worry about it.

If you did have bowel c how often do you get blood in your poo and would the bowel never go back to normal. My stools aren't loose nor really hard but they do feel soft coming out.

Maybe I freaked out over the one because the reflection of the toilet water changed the colour of the stool?

Basically I'm a complete mess and wake up every morning in amass panic and this bowel c fear is in my mind all the time so something has to be up :(

Ive hit a low even getting on my knees looking at bms :(

06-05-16, 22:14
I bet most peope on here have at some time with their ha journey also spent time peering at their bowel movements from close quarters - you are not alone believe me!

All your pains could be purely from gas - wind pains can be really bad, its not uncommon for gas in the stomach to send people into A&E thinking they are having a heart attack for the pains to resolve once they have a big burp:)

Anxiety really messes with your digestion from top to bottom as well which could account for excess gas as we tend to eat fast and gult food/drink as well.

Lots of food can cause us to panic when it exits like tomato skins and strawberries/beetroot etc, you may have seen residue of something like this or it was just a reflection of a lighter colour and you are hypersensitive to what you fear.

06-05-16, 22:32
I had blood in my poo for almost 2 years. I was 100% convinced I had bowel cancer. I had stomach pains, I had thin stools, I had back pain, I had every symptom Dr Google told me to expect. I even had a blood test and was low on iron (I'm male so this is VERY rare - less rare in women who can get low on iron fairly easily).

I went to the Doctor and had a 'finger' exam and he found nothing. I wanted to be sure and he said he could arrange a camera into my stomach, but said it was so incredibly rare for someone my age (about 20/21 at the time) that it probably wasn't necessary.

I went through with it and they found absolute nothing. To this day i still get the odd bit of blood, the weird shaped stool and back pains, but I'd know by now (8/9 years later).

All that said, I know that will barely help. HA is one of these things that CONVINCES you that you have the problem (there is something I am currently CONVINCED I have). I just want you to know you can go and get this checked out and a GP will quickly rule it out. If you are young, then it's INCREDIBLY unlikely.

06-05-16, 23:32
I did go to the doctors last Friday, he said it should return to normal and just pressed on my stomach. My bowel habit has changed and gone better I think. It feels soft when It comes out but it's not runny or anything like that. I did do a bigger stool today which is a first in weeks

06-05-16, 23:36
If it helps, the stuff that goes into the toilet for me is always different depending on my diet. When I eat bad foods I feel my stomach growl and I have a bad time in the bathroom. Then my stomach hurts really bad. Or when I'm anxious I'll get this stuff too. Don't worry about it, just change your diet up a bit and you should start feeling better.