View Full Version : Please Ease My Mind!!

07-05-16, 17:53
Deep down, I think I know I'm okay, but I'm sending myself into a panic attack and I just need some validation...
So over two weeks ago, I had a night out in London, and ended up making out with a couple guys. Not the biggest deal, but now I have this idea in my head that I somehow got HIV. I know you can't get it from kissing, but I'm worried that somebody bled in my mouth and I didn't know. Is that possible? I mean, it would have to be a lot of blood right, like I would notice it? I didn't even have any cuts, just one sensitive spot from my wisdom tooth coming in that bleeds sometimes.
Now I'm obsessing over looking for symptoms, and I don't have any, except for maybe a little leg pain, but only when I think about it. I'm making myself so sick and tired and I can't do this anymore. I haven't gotten counseling yet, so please just help me deal with this, and let me know I'm okay, or if I should see a doctor. Thank you.

07-05-16, 18:58

No there's no risk of getting HIV the scenario you put up (first of all even that scenario would be highly unlikely) but saliva has an enzyme that inhibits the virus. Don't worry :)

07-05-16, 20:33
Kissing is ok.
Unprotected sex would be more reason for concern.
You would not be experiencing any symptoms yet anyway.