View Full Version : Help....is this anxiety??!!

07-05-16, 19:26
Hi everyone,

Iv just joined this forum as I feel I need some support with possible anxiety. The reason I say possible is that I'm a bit lost as to what is going on with me.

This all began a couple of months ago. Ill explain a bit of background. I have a one year old daughter and a 3 and a half year old daughter. The one year old suffered very bad reflux and dairy intolerance over the past year and I have been under tremendous pressure and stress continuously. She screamed non stop for the first 7 months as doctors would not take it seriously. I slept on average about 3 hours a night. Eventually she was referred to a specialist who medicated her, and since then she has improved. However, for some reason, I have completely lost it....or so it feels. I feel constantly on edge, I worry all day every day for the past 2 months. What I worry about is that there is something awful wrong with my brain, or that I am going mad. I feel like even the simple tasks in life just add too much stress to my already stressed out mind....so I find myself sitting go ogling symtoms and panicking. I have suffered migraine auras all through my pregnancy and then again more recently 2 weeks ago. The doctor thinks this is related to stress and lack of sleep.
I have a lurching, churning type feel constantly in my stomach and an almost throbbing feeling in the middle of my throat. No matter how hard I try I just can't calm myself down or stop worrying that I have some awful illness (like a brain tumour). Is this really anxiety? The doctor has prescribed me beta blockers however I am uncomfortable with taking them. Any suggestions on what I can do to stop this? Xx

07-05-16, 19:50
The stomach (especially), throat & head issues sound like anxiety.
There are a number of ways to tackle anxiety - relaxation CDs, mindfulness (see posts by My Name is Terry), CBT, natural remedies. Has your GP offered any help beside Betablockers? Also do you have any support from a partner/family - especially with the children. Are you able to have a break from them & chill out?
There have been times when I thought I was going mad. I saw danger in everyday things & started googling. Unfortunately, all it does is feed the dragon! Hope you find some relief from this site!:)

07-05-16, 20:21
Don't google!
It sounds like stress/anxiety.
If you haven't tried the beta blocker, give it a try. They can help reduce the physical symptoms which in turn will help reduce your fear of them.
You could use some sleep too.

31-05-16, 19:54
Exercise really helped me when i first had panic attacks. Its hard to find the time but i was in such a bad place that at the time I could only focus on me and getting better. My husband was amazing and I managed 3 classes a week. It made a huge difference. This was 4 years ago now and recently my anxiety has started to come back. My kids are 11 and 8 and I need to find that time again. Its a constant struggle but this forum helps yoy realise you are not going totally crazy. Having a bad day today so back on here for support