View Full Version : Chest pain or gallbladder pain?

07-05-16, 19:54
I have a pain in my chest just under my right breast. It doesn't radiate, and is affected more by certain movements. Such as suddenly sitting down or suddenly getting up from a seated position.

Can anyone tell what the difference is between a muscular pain and a gallbladder pain?

Normally I wouldn't think anything of the gallbladder, but with my GI problems and my beau's lines and my recent blood test that showed some problems with my kidney function... I'm a bit worried.

07-05-16, 20:01
Having experienced gallbladder attack years ago I would say true gallbladder pain is horrendous and extends up into your shoulder and if you press very gently under your right rib it hurts like heck plus the area feels very tight.
Position has no effect on gallbladder pain at all.

sounds more like musculo/skeletal pain.

Try gently pressing under your rib with your fingers, breathe out and then press gently and breathe in - if its gallbladder you will know about it! If its okay its not your gallbladder.

07-05-16, 20:33
Ohhh okay. Thanks.

Pretty sure it's just muscle pain now.