View Full Version : Scared to death, thinking brain tumour.

07-05-16, 21:24
I've got this indescribable pain behind the top of my ear on my head. Wouldn't class it as a headache as the pain is on an off in waves it's like a sharp throb.

Well aren't I shit scared. I know a lot about brain tumours and I know the particular area it's in is the brain stem. Those kind are inoperable. Of course. Only adding to my panic. Been in tears tonight as I believe I'm dying and will be leaving my two children behind.

So what do I do? Google. And of course I've had all those symptoms in the last month or two.

Now whenever the pain strikes my tummy gets that horrible nervous drop feeing as I'm so scared.

07-05-16, 21:47
Google should have told you that brain tumors are rare and that most brain tumors do not present with headaches as a first symptom.
I suffer from health anxiety too, it's awful.
Please take care.

07-05-16, 23:27
Thanks. This pain is a recent symptom which is a worry tbh x

07-05-16, 23:35
Severe headaches with nausea (and possibly vomiting) in the morning are warning signals.

But yeh brain tumors comes with more serious symptoms than headache. I don't think you should worry, we all experience this from time to time.. actually, I remember for 2 months ago during a very bad anxiety period that I could get sudden pains like attacks going through my head. This came occassionally during a week or so, then disappeared.

How long has this been going on?

Edit: I saw that you mentioned it was a recent symptom. I think it will go away soon :)

08-05-16, 08:04
I keep having a throbbing pain like a loud heart beat in the back of my head only once in the night after going to have wee. its scaring me bad hope it aint blood pressure so scared if it is. I,ve had it for less than a week. its also like pressure. I,ve woke with pressure this morning also like I,ve coght a draught round my head.

08-05-16, 08:38
I've had sickness since Feb, tinnitis, sometimes my hearing goes, and this morning my heads banging and I've been sick in the night and feel sick now. But I did have 3 wkds yesterday with it being lovely weather so I'm hoping its that. Very very nervous though. You know when you've just got a bad feeling? Hate how much you can convince yourself your dying.

08-05-16, 13:04
Feeling worse as the day goes on I feel off balance and my head feels like it's gonna fall off it feels horrid c

08-05-16, 20:57
you'll be okay. just take deep breaths and be reassured that you're healthy and will live to see your kids grow old.

health anxiety stinks!

---------- Post added at 19:57 ---------- Previous post was at 19:52 ----------

also, as far as symptoms go, when I was much, much younger, I had known two kids (probably 12 yrs old) which had brain tumors. Both are still alive and very well today.

One had mental development problems and the other seizures.

08-05-16, 21:15
Often when you connect your own symptoms with the ones that you're most anxious about, your body ends up mimicking those very symptoms, I was convinced at one point that i had Angina for two weeks while i awaited test results, I was under a constant state of panic before the doctor finally called me and told me that all the examinations came back fine and my heart was totally healthy.

In this case though you have to keep in mind that the season is changing, you could always just have Sinusitis as i do, whatever you do just don't let the fear control you, I think you're totally fine and the nausea might just be due to the fact that you're worried, hang in there! :)

08-05-16, 21:44
My husband had a brain tumour and he never got a single headache. If you had a brain tumour you wouldn't be able to sit at a computer and type out a perfectly legible and coherent post, believe me.

11-05-16, 20:01
Struggling today my eyes are foggy and blurred and my head just feels not right can't walk just laying down with me eyes closed cause I can't bare to have them open x