View Full Version : Weird Depression/Panic. Need Help

08-05-16, 07:15
I’ve been “depressed” for about 9 months. It started on an ordinary day but then I was in the car and began to get car sick. This was weird because I pretty much have never gotten car sick in my life. The following days past while I felt weak and fatigued and I thought I might just have an illness, but it never went away. I have dealt with anxiety and some depression my entire life so it wasn’t surprising, but I have never felt like this before. At the time I was off my medicine because I was doing so well. The medicine that I was on for about 10 years was Zoloft.

As months go by, the symptoms stay the same with some occasional new ones. To try and find a theme within the symptoms, the best I can describe it is my normal senses or nervous system is more sensitive. For example, like I described, a normal car ride now makes me feel queasy. A normal meal makes me feel bloated and burpy as if I overate. A normal feeling of nerves as simple as watching a sporting event in a crucial situation, now made me feel physically ill with feelings of panic. This and feelings of dizziness, sadness, lack of motivation, fuzzy mind, and more is the main symptoms I encountered. Went to the doctors to get a blood test, and they told me nothing was wrong physically.

For the past year I have been forced to drop out of school and have been to the point where I can’ t really do anything or go anywhere. This is because we had to keep waiting to see if all the new medicine we were trying would eventually work (it didn’t). As tough as it was I could actually relax and be at peace for most of the time until a few days ago where I went to the doctor and had a panic attack so bad that I had to lay down the entire time while I tried to get my body to stop shaking. Ever since then, while it hasn’t been as bad I’ve felt panicky all day. The only thing that has stopped my heart from beating so fast was an Ativan, but it doesn’t do much. Has anyone ever had this problem? I can’t even lay down in bed without feeling nervous and sick? Has anyone ever had any of the problems I described? What finally made it all better? I know all about breathing techniques and all that but we’re way past that at this point.

If I forgot to include any vital information, please don't be afraid to ask.

09-05-16, 05:17
I struggled with that nervous/sick feeling when my anxiety was at its worst about ten years ago. If I laid down, the room would spin. If I stood up, my heart would be racing or I would experience other really weird symptoms- numbness or tingling in my hands and arms, difficulty swallowing, all kinds of strange stuff.

It sounds like you aren't suffering from depression so much as anxiety. Or perhaps both, but the anxiety symptoms aren't being treated by your current meds.

09-05-16, 08:37
I can totally empathise with this. Your nervous system is over-sensitised and on high alert. It makes everyday functioning very difficult as you react to every little stimulus as if it were a threat. Medication never worked for me. Acceptance and understanding of the situation is not easy but it can help to lessen the adrenaline and calm down the nervous system.

09-05-16, 08:51
What eventually worked for you?

09-05-16, 09:13
I haven't found anything that really "works", I'm afraid but my life circumstances are fraught with managing anxiety of others so this doesn't help with my own struggle, of course.