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12-07-16, 08:37
Hi how you two doing shaz and pulisa , have the meds settled down yet shaz and are you still getting out , usual for me good day or two then back down again , sleep would help but it's still not happening , hope little miss is doing ok her absence must be a good thing , off down the coast this weekend hoping the sea air will do me good , take care ,

12-07-16, 09:06
I hope the sea air helps you too, Buster. Lack of sleep is horribly draining-makes everything a lot harder.

Sharon, I hope you are feeling more settled on the ven?

12-07-16, 10:01
Hi guys,

Feels a bit weird without Little Miss here since it's her thread, doesn't it?

Lovely to see the dogs snuggled up Buster. The dynamics of introducing a new dog can be a bit complicated sometimes so I'm glad it's going well. My dogs don't seem to mind the rain as long as we're going out. Lola is a bit less pleased but with Zico you'd never know it's raining. My old retriever was like that as well. I'd find him lying outside in it. Golden's are from Scotland so they're happy in cold, wet weather.

Today has been a bit better for me. Day three of the first increased dose. I'm having a lot of dizziness which gets worse throughout the day, other than that I haven't noticed any worsening of symptoms/anxiety so maybe this med will do the trick. I am seeing psychiatrist again on Thursday so will discuss the dizziness with her and the dosage. I'm not happy being on so many pills but I guess we can look at them as a tool towards recovery.

I've managed to get out with the dogs every day. Not much else going on for me to be honest. Winter has finally showed up and it's so cold!

I've jumped on the bandwagon and am now on season 2 of Game of Thrones. It's quite compelling viewing and a good distraction in the evenings. Free to air TV is mostly rubbish here now with all the online viewing options. I don't have internet connected up to my TV though (TV is too old) so have to go the old fashioned way of renting DVDs. Haha practically in the Dark Ages!

I see you guys will have a new PM soon, a woman! Only the second ever female PM for Britain. I watched a movie about Margaret Thatcher a while back, played by Meryl Streep, and quite enjoyed it. The Iron Lady was one strong woman wasn't she?

Hope all well with you and your's Pulisa.

12-07-16, 12:15
Hi , I see as recycling the thread or keeping it warm , glad you are both reasonably ok , I think half the side effects from meds are in our heads most of the problems I had when I took them I've had when not taking them and not being warned they would make me feel worse made me freak out , I've not taken any diazepam for two days but feeling rubbish today could be lack of sleep though , doubt I'll get in at docs now and pretty much run out so it might be cold turkey on that front , absolutely chucking it down again today never seen so much rain in summer even I'm getting a bit tired of being wet , the pups trying to be top dog by mounting the older one pretty funny as they are both bitches , take care .

13-07-16, 08:29
I like the way you describe it as recycling/keeping the thread warm :)

Evening here and I've had a really bad day. Woke at 5.45 and felt like my entire body was vibrating. Got up for a wee then tried to go back to sleep but having really powerful hot flashes.

Spent the morning feeling sorry for myself on the sofa, just wishing all the horribleness to go away. Did manage to get to the beach with the dogs for an hour but that's about all I've managed. In a right state to be honest.

Seeing psychiatrist again tomorrow to discuss the meds. I really don't think I'm going to be ready to increase on her schedule. Hopefully things will settle down in a couple of days.

That's not good Buster the doc won't prescribe the diazepam if they've been giving it to you for a long time!

Lola humps Zico all the time, most evenings actually. He's never ever tried it on her. I expect she's just showing him who is the top dog. He never looks that bothered by it. It's just a part of their evening routine. Dogs are funny sometimes!

13-07-16, 08:40
I think you need to take things very carefully re increasing the ven after such a short time, Sharon.

13-07-16, 09:29
I think you need to take things very carefully re increasing the ven after such a short time, Sharon.

Thanks Pulisa, I will.

The psychiatrist wanted me to do 37.5 for a week, then 75, then 112.5 and then 150. I think anything more than 75 may be too much and in fact the increase from 37.5 to 75 may have been too much :weep:

13-07-16, 09:35
I'm no doctor but that's way too fast, Sharon, especially with your agitation. Absolute dynamite..

I'd insist that you take things at your own pace and don't let her convince you otherwise? You know how you are feeling and must be allowed to make your own decisions. It's not a race and this is an extremely powerful drug- a small dose is sometimes more therapeutic with agitation (based on my own experience) but this is purely my opinion of course. Ven is notoriously difficult to withdraw from so you need to take this into account as well.

13-07-16, 09:37
I'm no doctor but that's way too fast, Sharon, especially with your agitation. Absolute dynamite..

I'd insist that you take things at your own pace and don't let her convince you otherwise? You know how you are feeling and must be allowed to make your own decisions. It's not a race and this is an extremely powerful drug- a small dose is sometimes more therapeutic with agitation (based on my own experience) but this is purely my opinion of course. Ven is notoriously difficult to withdraw from so you need to take this into account as well.

Thanks again,

Interestingly she told me this was a gentle intro to the drug? I certainly can't take being any more agitated. Up til today I didn't really feel worse than before starting it but today has been hell.

13-07-16, 12:28
At least she didn't start you off on the 75mg dose but nothing's really gentle with these meds. I hope you get some satisfaction and decent advice when you see her tomorrow (your today). It's so hard knowing what to do to improve things and really harrowing when you are struggling. You are being very strong-just take each hour at a time and don't think too far ahead x

13-07-16, 13:38
Hi Guys

I thought I'd just drop in, I've not fallen off the end of the world, nor alas am I feeling much better. I'm glad you're still keeping up on this thread though, or keeping it warm, thanks Buster!

Sharon you started so well on venaflaxine, we really thought it was going to suit, but if you're out in the lovely fresh air exercising the dogs for an hour I think that's amazing.

I'm still up and down, I've been doing a lot of pointless analysing, as we do. I'm seriously wondering when I'll ever be normal. I've got issues in my life I need to sort out, and being too much on the Internet is one of them.

But I'll check in again next week, hopefully with good news and to be able to read good news too.

Take care Pulisa, Sharon and Buster.

13-07-16, 20:25
Hi all , kind of good to hear from little miss but at the same time not good would be good to think you were getting on top of things which you will and didn't need to come here anymore , but good to know you didn't end up in tescos with no shoes on shouting at the cornflakes , been a mixed bag of a week been waking up like you Sharon shaking and feeling sick but I've walked it off and got a few hours work in each day , had a real bad attack of fatigue yesterday couldn't keep my eyes open and so weak it made me feel sick but slept from about 12 till 5.30 and had a pretty good day today , the pup has been so good the last two days coming back off the lead ,sitting to go back on it can't give her enough praise , pulisa is right with the meds take it steady at your pace you know you a lot better than any shrink or doc , when I had my break down From citalopram I had to carry on with it and it took six months on it to settle down and feel better at that point I felt good enough to ween back of them again , I know six months sounds an Eternity when you feel like crap 24/ 7 but you will get there , I knew I'd turned a corner when a freind rang and said you sound chirpy which is unlike my usual telephone manner , hope you are coping ok pulisa I know to well family are hard work thought it would get easier when my daughters grew up but they were less trouble when they were kids , well that's me done for the day not a bad day on the whole , take care .

13-07-16, 21:11
I agree about children being less trouble when they were younger although I didn't feel it at the time! Post school has been awful and full of challenges-I've now had 8 years without the school routine but am ploughing on as best I can and we do a lot together.

LMA, good to hear from you and hope that life gets a bit easier for you as you sort out some of the issues which are bugging you..

Sharon, good luck for your psych appointment-I really hope it goes well and you come away feeling stronger

14-07-16, 00:51
Thanks Pulisa,

Was awake at 3.45! I'm going ti ask to go back to 37.5 for a while. I figure only 4 days on 75 shouldn't make that too much of a problem?

Oh and Hi LMA!

---------- Post added at 11:51 ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 ----------

Back from psych, she is insistent I need to be at a therapeutic dose but is happy for me to stay on 75 until I see her in 4 weeks. Really wish this was easier!

14-07-16, 08:18
What does she consider a therapeutic dose though? Is she actually listening to you and how you describe your symptoms?

14-07-16, 09:05
What does she consider a therapeutic dose though? Is she actually listening to you and how you describe your symptoms?

She was fairly adamant I need to press on as I'm back where I was earlier in the year. She was also fairly adamant it's just anxiety as opposed to terrible side effects. In all honesty it's not really a lot worse than a couple of weeks ago. I think therapeutic minimum is considered to be 150 but she did listen and said I could choose what I wanted to do. I decided to hang in there as I know all these meds have start up effects like increased anxiety but mine was so high anyway so it's hard to tell.

I think I just feel worse as I am worn out from all this as it's been 9 months now. Determined to get better!

14-07-16, 21:12
Blimey-150mg seems high to be considered therapeutic minimum but maybe ranges have changed. At the end of the day your psych gives you a prescription and you have to live your life on said dose- anxiety versus side effects can be very confusing.

Your psych is an expert and knows what she's doing. You have faith in her and she will be there for you if you need help in between appointments. You are also determined to get better. All you can do is follow her advice if you are happy to do this

14-07-16, 21:43
I should have said she is happy for me to stay at 75 for the time being. I am hoping that will be enough once I'm over the start up period.

14-07-16, 21:55
I think you are doing the right thing by keeping things stable at 75mg for the time being. I really hope things level out for you very soon-it's exhausting trying to cope with it all and life.

14-07-16, 22:43
Thanks Pulisa,

Am so fatigued, more than usual and apparently that can be a side effect of start up. And the fatigue adds to the anxiety.

Major achievement today already! I needed groceries and was going to see if I could find someone to come with me but this morning, despite feeling very anxious I decided to just get on with it. Turns out 9 am is a great time to go as almost nobody there! Did a full shop and also stopped at the pharmacy. So feel quite proud of myself :)

Now to get motivated to take the dogs out. Its 4 degrees and gale winds. All I want to do is sleep but if we don't go soon I'll regret it. Getting on with things definitely helps take the edge off doesn't it? Unfortunately I now find myself in the position of not having much to get on with. Today will be a day with no human company and I find that hard, but just getting out into the world is beneficial.

Hope you are yours are well. And Buster, hope you doing okay with no diazepam?

15-07-16, 08:26
I have no choice but to just get on with it so I'm fortunate to be in this position. Having time to myself is really difficult for me as I'm not used to it and it's when my agitation can be at its worse. It's getting a balance which is so hard, isn't it?

I think overwhelming fatigue is very much an anxiety overload symptom and you would certainly have good reason to be burnt out. Just keeping your eyes open is difficult-I've had this many times-and getting through the day is very tough.

Buster, I hope you are ok and that you are still planning your trip to the coast tomorrow-the weather looks good!

15-07-16, 18:27
Hi there , doing reasonably ok apart from the sleep and fatigue I'm not sure if having family or being alone is easier with anxiety there are times I want to be on my own and not have the added stress of family but I wouldn't want to be without them either , day three with no diazepam nearly caved in but getting in my docs is hard to say the least should have gone back two weeks ago but I'm trying to a avoid the place they just make me more anxious , going to the coast in the morning I'm not looking forward to the drive down but I am quite looking forward to the break and donuts , trouble with me and fatigue I try to eat my way through it so I put on weight which is not good for high blood pressure , well done on getting to the shops Sharon I've been ok with that side of things this week but I've walked out of que's before because Ive got a panic on for no reason , pulisa you sound like you need to make a little time for you every now and then to slow things down and take it all in , take care .

15-07-16, 18:55
Here's a couple of snaps I've took when out with the dogs just stopping and taking it in , not in your league of photography Sharon but having a smart phone means always having a camera , enjoy

15-07-16, 19:50
Beautiful pic, Buster-I love swans!

Taking things in is really difficult for me so I have taken up mindfulness-I think it will take a lot of practice!:D I hope your drive isn't too bad with all the mad holidaymakers but worth it for the sea air

15-07-16, 22:43
Hi , with all the evil crap that's going on in the world it's easy to forget there is beuty out there and good people , have a good weekend

16-07-16, 08:34
You too, Buster. There are good people out there despite all the evil in the world which is in the news. The simple things in life are always the best.

17-07-16, 18:43
Hi all , drive down the coast went ok usually get tired half way and start getting the anxiety creeping in but all ok , shouldn't complain after all the rain but it's too bloody hot , in a caravan ( large oven ) drive an old vw van so no aircon ( smaller oven ) I'm not made for summer , took puppy on beach she went mad she had never seen sand before , not feeling to bad touch wood give me an airconditioned caravan and I'd stay here , going for pint tonight can't get drunk like I used to but one maybe two should be ok , take care hope you are doing ok .

20-07-16, 07:37
Hi guys

I hope people are plodding on in their own ways.

I'm slowly improving I would say, I've been able to do things I wouldn't have done previously. I'm feeling better in myself, I no longer think the good weather is attacking me as I did in May and June. Chemically I'm better which is a massive help.

However I'm still having issues with my old friend Mr Nausea, the most recent is eating crisps! Not even a lot, but they seem to set off a nauseous panic reaction. Had a small packet of plain this morning after a run and almost immediately I went into panic mode, runny eyes and nose, the lot. Makes no sense, though I'm trying to improve the diet in general.

Hoping those reading this are ok, I'll have a sneaky look now at my friends' postings before logging out again.

All the best.

20-07-16, 08:26
I'm glad you are making progress, LMA. Some symptoms just linger but you seem to be doing well and it must help not feeling obliged to post on here quite as often. Hope you continue to improve slowly but steadily