View Full Version : First Couch to 5k

08-05-16, 10:03
Just finished my first session of the couch to 5k programme (a programme for getting you from being quite unfit to running 5k in 9 weeks).
It's interval running and the first ones are 1.5min walking then 1min running. There were parts where I could have ran longer and parts I could have stopped running sooner but I did it and determined to stick it out, feel really good as it's the first real exercise I've done in years.
Step by step I'm doing all I can to improve my life and as I'm doing that I'm finding my anxiety is drastically reducing. I previously wouldn't do exercise for fear of a heart attach but would happily smoke 20 cigarettes a day, talk about backward logic 😂.
I've got a big smile on my face and feel well proud of myself. If I can do it, so can anyone, for those who have been around long enough I was in a really bad place anxiety wise in September, I took 4 months off work and lived in my GP surgery.

08-05-16, 10:18
Well done you! It proves that doing something positive is a great help to your mental health ����

08-05-16, 10:23
Thank ceecee, I actually enjoyed it! Xxx

08-05-16, 14:40
That is just fantastic very inspirational well done! :flowers: