View Full Version : Chest Pain

08-05-16, 12:16
Hi everyone!

I have been feeling really crappy for a few weeks not but still managing to plod along just taking the odd propranalol here and there to keep me ticking over! This morning I just finished breakfast then bang the pain in chest area started, this was the only symptom and it lasted about half hour to an hour and now I feel fine! Apart from worrying about it! What's going on is this a normal part of anxiety?

I am extremely worried xx

08-05-16, 12:29
I get chest pain as well, I think it's because I'm tensing my muscles up when I'm anxious.

Can I ask a question about propanonol? I heard it slows your heart down and reduces anxiety that way. If you're anxious without a fast beating heart, does it still relieve anxiety? I often get scared and worried about my symptoms and my heart is still about 65 beats so I worry about taking medication to slow that down.

08-05-16, 12:50
Does your pain just come in like I described above without actually feeling anxious?

I use propanalol to stop my heart beating too fast it keeps it low and steady and hence keeps me from going into panic mode! I used to use it alongside the fluoxetine but have now managed without them for about 9 months x