View Full Version : Panic at work

10-03-07, 20:46
I feel so stupid - I am sort of in control of my panic attacks but I love my job as a secretary but on friday I suddenly felt a surge of adrenalin and felt panicky and faint and hot and dizzy. I carried on typing but couldnt get my breath and had to dash to the loo to use rescue remedy. Now I have spent the whole weekend feeling really upset with myself - why doesnt this bloody thing go away?? I love my job - I love my friends - I am such a positive person - whats goin on with me?? Wenjoy x

10-03-07, 21:59
hi Wenjoy, I know how you feel hun and its not nice at all!!! Please don't feel stupid because you certainly are not, you are a very brave intelligent lady who happens to have a panic disorder!!!

Well done for staying at work, thats step number 1 over with!!!! Next time you will know that if it does happen again at work, you won't die!!! the panic will pass and you will live on to tell the tale!! Please don't give your self a hard time you did well..... really well and believe me it WILL go completely in time.

Now go and pamper yourself for the rest of the weekend, you deserve it!!!

Luv Pinky

11-03-07, 09:26
Thankyo Pinky - I intend to have a hot bath and take the dog for a long walk as its sunny down here in Dorset today!
Still it does upset me that I cant be "normal" like so many of my friends!
Have a nice day ! Wenjoy x

11-03-07, 09:36
Strangely enough I also had a panicky day at work on Friday.

It does annoy you when it just springs up again out of the blue. I was also swigging the Rescue Remedy in the loo!

Try not to let this little blip get you down.


11-03-07, 14:05
Hi Wenjoy,

Firstly well done for staying in work! :emot-woot: Although panic can be frustrating you should feel really chuffed for sticking it out. Try and focus on the positives and if there's a next time things will be a little easier.

Enjoy your walk, :)

11-03-07, 14:09
I I am such a positive person - whats goin on with me?? Wenjoy x

Yep I know exactly what you mean!

Love Piglet :flowers:

11-03-07, 14:55
THankyou - Its such a lovely sunny day today - I actually feel very relaxed and at peace - like a completely different person - thankyou for your kind words and will stay positive ! X wenjoy X