View Full Version : Panicking about lung cancer.

08-05-16, 17:40
Hi all,

So I have health anxiety and stupidly I'm a smoker. I'm really panicking at the minute because just after Christmas I got a bad virus which included an awful cough. Since then every 2 weeks or so the cough will come back, my symptoms are tickly throat at first which turns into a dry cough and then a chesty one. I have chest and back pain and my voice is quite hoarse. I went to the doctors last month and he gave me antibiotics which cleared up that bout of cough but now it's back again! I'm only 22 but terrified I have lung cancer! Can anyone help?



08-05-16, 17:54
At 22, I highly doubt it's cancer. There are dozens of benign reasons, one of which is allergies.

The smoking? As you stated: "So I have health anxiety and stupidly I'm a smoker." That to me is one of the biggest ironies I hear on the boards. It's a no brainer really.

As a Head and Neck cancer survivor and "former" smoker, I can tell you flat out it was a major contributor to me getting cancer. Ironically, I decided to quit about the same time the cancer began. It was too late for me. It's not too late for you! Quit while you have the choice to do so.

Positive thoughts

08-05-16, 18:21
Thanks for your reply, I really do need to quit, I'm considering buying myself an E cigarette to help. I'm just so terrified that it's lung cancer because all the symptoms match! I can't understand why I can't shake the cough off unless it was something nasty.

08-05-16, 18:47
Ahhh yes... deep in the spiral I see :( When common sense reassurance doesn't make a dent, then you have to make a decision to let it go or chase the wind. If you're that terrified, see your doctor but I believe you'll get the same opinion and advice.

Positive thoughts

08-05-16, 20:07
I've noticed a spiral we tend to get ourselves into of where our irrational thoughts and catastrophic fears get the best of us, I lived in fear for two weeks thinking i had a heart problem, i monitored my beats per minute almost hourly and avoided anything too intense fearing that i would suffer a heart attack, before i finally received a phone call from my doctor who explained that my chest x-ray and other examinations came back fine and my heart was perfectly healthy.

You want to know what it was? a bad case of GERD.

Don't be a slave to your fear like i allowed myself to be, go to your doctor for an exam and reassurance, and stay in the presence of positive people, break the cycle of that negative thinking pattern (I know it's hard), we're far too young to be worrying about half of the things we do :)

09-05-16, 06:10
Hi all,

So I have health anxiety and stupidly I'm a smoker. I'm really panicking at the minute because just after Christmas I got a bad virus which included an awful cough. Since then every 2 weeks or so the cough will come back, my symptoms are tickly throat at first which turns into a dry cough and then a chesty one. I have chest and back pain and my voice is quite hoarse. I went to the doctors last month and he gave me antibiotics which cleared up that bout of cough but now it's back again! I'm only 22 but terrified I have lung cancer! Can anyone help?



Hi Holly,

That never would have had the slightest impact on lung cancer. That's proof to me.

Also, you admit to having a virus which starts this off and lung cancer wouldn't appear in a virus.

It could be that the virus is being reduced by the antibiotics, but not resolved. It will then just start up again.

Lung cancer keeps going no matter what, you wouldn't be seeing symptoms coming and going like this. Also, lung cancer symptoms present in stage 3 & 4 and urgent treatment would be required, not waiting 5 months. You could be quite ill by then.

My GF's mum has stage 4 and within a month of her symptoms, she was unable to climb a flight of stairs more than once a day. It's an aggressive form of cancer.

Good luck with the ecigs, it's a positive step forward. You want to prevent the risk of lung cancer, for many it can be too late to cure once symptoms even appear and whilst this might be scary, you don't have it and need to kick the cigs to make sure you give yourself the best chance later in life.

---------- Post added at 06:10 ---------- Previous post was at 06:08 ----------

Don't be a slave to your fear like i allowed myself to be, go to your doctor for an exam and reassurance, and stay in the presence of positive people, break the cycle of that negative thinking pattern (I know it's hard), we're far too young to be worrying about half of the things we do :)

I disagree with that. Seeing a GP to reassure you of something you simply don't have in the first place is feeding the compulsions in the anxiety cycle. If it's not needed, don't do it. Some people won't be satisfied, as reassurance from a GP is as effective as anyone once the anxiety starts to niggle away, and then what? Referrals? Private testing? It all happens on here, it's reassurance seeking - short term relief.

09-05-16, 07:03
I had a similar experience, I had a cold plus I'm a smoker and then I had chest pains and a cough for weeks. Did you smoke while you had the virus? I stupidly keep smoking even when I'm sick and it always turns into a bronchitis type thing but it goes away eventually. It can take up to 6-8 weeks for it to go away completely for me. I ended up convincing myself I had lung cancer or lymphoma in my chest so I went in for a chest x ray and it was completely clear. Request a chest x ray if it doesn't go away or if you get really worried, they're quick and you get results fast.

10-05-16, 15:06
I have this fear too. Ive had a cough for 5-6 weeks now. I thought it was going away last week but over the last couple of days its started up again. I went to the drs last night and she thinks its a post viral cough. I did have a bad cold 7 weeks ago so I guess it is from that. It doesn't help that there are lots of posters around work saying if you've had a cough for longer than 3 weeks to get checked cos it could be lung cancer!!!!

10-05-16, 17:13
Quite simply, stop smoking! I smoked for 15 years and regret every one I smoked. I stopped 2 years ago and feel great about it. Your body can heal, albeit very slowly, from the damage of smoking and at 22 you're giving your body plenty of time to recover before you enter the higher risk age groups.

As for right now, at 22 I would be considering 101 other minor illnesses before concluding lung cancer. You had an infection which can take months to finally clear, and with the smoke you're not giving your body and lungs the chance to get clean. Every cigarette supresses lung function so they're fighting extra hard to get rid of the infection you had, you're not giving them a chance! lol

And I know how hard it is to give up smoking. For me, the biggest help was a book by Allen Carr called "the easy way", you can get a short version too if you're not much of a reader. It's no guarantee but it does have a high success rate!

10-05-16, 17:31
I agree with Terry. You would be much sicker by now as most lung cancers aren't diagnosed until they have metastasised (spread) to other areas of the body. My neighbour (a non smoker) had a neck ache in January which his doctor put down to a strain. The pain then spread to his shoulder and lumps started appearing all over his body yet still the doctor fobbed him off saying they were fatty cysts. Eventually his MRI appt came through at Easter where they discovered a pathological fracture in his neck caused by a tumour. That finally galvanised the doctors into action and further tests revealed that the primary tumour was in his lung and had spread to his bones and lymph nodes. They've given him 6 months - tops - but he's fading fast. He never had, and still doesn't have, a cough but he's very breathless and has lost a lot of weight. Believe me, you'd be much sicker if you had lung cancer.

11-05-16, 01:20
Smokers get smokers cough.... Your lungs are trying to protect themselves so try to expel that gunk you inhale.

If you don't want to cough, don't smoke.


11-05-16, 06:24
I agree with Terry. You would be much sicker by now as most lung cancers aren't diagnosed until they have metastasised (spread) to other areas of the body. My neighbour (a non smoker) had a neck ache in January which his doctor put down to a strain. The pain then spread to his shoulder and lumps started appearing all over his body yet still the doctor fobbed him off saying they were fatty cysts. Eventually his MRI appt came through at Easter where they discovered a pathological fracture in his neck caused by a tumour. That finally galvanised the doctors into action and further tests revealed that the primary tumour was in his lung and had spread to his bones and lymph nodes. They've given him 6 months - tops - but he's fading fast. He never had, and still doesn't have, a cough but he's very breathless and has lost a lot of weight. Believe me, you'd be much sicker if you had lung cancer.

I'm sorry to hear about your neighbour, Mojo :hugs: Once metastasised there is no cure as you know as that's the terminal stage but it is still treatable as my GF's mum is responding well to chemo and it is shrinking so I can only hope some good fortune comes your neighbours way too.

It's terrible how this happens. My GF's mum has never smoked and in her late sixties this has happened and she has actually got the form most associated with smoking. They have said this is very uncommon and so did some genetic testing to see if it could be treated that way too.