View Full Version : Exhaustion

08-05-16, 17:54
How do people get over the feeling of no energy , no motivation ??

Also bad feelings of cold/flu on and off

08-05-16, 18:02
I don't have the answers but I can relate.

08-05-16, 18:05
Really bad feeling isn't it

08-05-16, 18:57
Same here Tristan, complete physical and even worse mental exhaustion.

08-05-16, 19:57
I have this right now after a bad cold/virus/stressful period and even simple tasks like washing up or taking the rubbish out make me feel like I've spent 4 hours in the gym and ran the 15 miles home.

I had it once before (after I had pneumonia) and it lasted several weeks. I think the only thing you can do is try and relax and let it pass. My research led me to conclude it's a form of chronic fatigue.

11-05-16, 12:03
Went to bed last night at 7 and slept through till 6 , have taken day off work today to relax and get some energy back X