View Full Version : Throat Cancer Questions?

08-05-16, 18:22
If you had throat cancer would swallowing difficulty be constant or come and go?

Would you have fever and if so how much and all time?

Would your ears be stopped up?

My symptoms. Ears stopped up but not so bad during the day . At night I start to choke in the evening air and neck muscles seem to spasm.

My ears stop up so bad I can hear my heartbeat and my neck muscles and breathing and its hard to swallow. During the day my swallowing isn't so bad.

I was wondering if you had swallowing problems would you have it all the time or just at night?

My throat seems to be inflamed yet is not red or nothing looks sinister.

I also am very very tired all the time and feel as though I can't breathe.

I was in the hospital about a year ago and they made lung xray and did all kind of blood work .

I can' figure out if I have throat cancer or just feel bad with allergies .

My fever has never been over 98.3 but normally my temp in the morning is 96.6 but it hasn't been lately . Sometimes it so easy to swallow and other times it feels like I am going to choke.

I am taking antibotics right now that were given to me for strep throat over a year ago and the pharmacy filled them by accident. I am taking them to see if it helps whatever is going on.

They are making me feel very tired and weak. I feel like very muscle in my body is seized up and I can't for the life of me figure out why . The only thing that I have stopped as far as anything is caffeine. I am a life long drinker of caffeine in heavy amounts and recently cut down to hardly anything.

I can't figure out what else would my muscles be so tight all over my body that when I use them they almost lock up . I am relaxed in our new home and trying as hard as I can to enjoy being here. I don't want to go to the doctor and trying desperately to figure out what could be causing all of this.

Anyone have a clue as to what it could be? Anybody ?

The swallowing has been worrying me but my throat looks great so I just can't figure out what is going on unless there is cancer and its further down.

08-05-16, 18:43
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

You know I had Head and Neck cancer. Nothing you describe presents as such. Everything you describe presents as allergies as well as anxiety symptoms.

You could try an OTC allergy med like Claritan, Zyrtec etc. for the allergy symptoms and I'd stay away from the antibiotics as you don't have an infection for them to fight.

Positive thoughts

08-05-16, 21:27
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

You know I had Head and Neck cancer. Nothing you describe presents as such. Everything you describe presents as allergies as well as anxiety symptoms.

You could try an OTC allergy med like Claritan, Zyrtec etc. for the allergy symptoms and I'd stay away from the antibiotics as you don't have an infection for them to fight.

Positive thoughts

What about stroke? Could that be it? My muscles all over is so stiff and they do that here and there. Just so stiff. My neck muscles my arms and legs my chest and my vision is really weird. Its flickering in low light and when I go outside its bizarre. I went out and tried to be normal and was outside for awhile and came in choking and tight throat muscles and hard to swallow and my arms felt weak and my right leg felt weak. I don't know what is going on but its beginning to scare me.

Tried to find anything and everything that could do this and there are so many things that can. Also I was going to ask you why you said to stay away from antibiotics?

Even when typing here my arms get very weak .

09-05-16, 00:35
Don't know what to tell you Michael :shrug:

You've stated you're on the site to get understanding and support of your anxiety. I think that's a given and you certainly get that. No one here can diagnose but they can share experiences. I did that concerning your cancer fear. We can only go by written post history and your history is certainly anxiety related. Medical professionals and tests have shown you to be physically healthy. I dare say that you're in much better physical health than I am!

If you're that concerned, see a doctor but I feel they'll have the same opinion.

Concerning antibiotics... They kill bad bacteria but also good bacteria too. If you don't have an infection, you may open yourself up to actually getting sick or at best, feeling nasty due to the sometimes normal side effects of taking antibiotics (tummy troubles etc.)

Hope you feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

---------- Post added at 19:35 ---------- Previous post was at 16:42 ----------

I do have a question. I was just reading through a few things and noticed you posted this in Dec. of 2014 when you were worried about your body temperature.

I have cancer to start with...

I haven't seen a reference before or after this in any of your posts. What kind of cancer did you have? I would have to assume you're cancer free at this point almost a year and a half later?

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