View Full Version : Sporadic Fatal Insomnia Anxiety

08-05-16, 18:28
Hello everyone

For the past week or so now i've been struggling with a looming fear of Sporadic Fatal Insomnia, I unfortunately stumbled across a video online of two people who were diagnosed with the condition, and because a fear of not sleeping has been a phobia of mine for a while now, it set my worst fears ablaze.

I've been feeling fairly tired for the past month or so to the point it's been causing me a little bit of worry, my sleeping pattern has been hectic but i've never really had trouble dozing off and staying asleep, though before when i tried putting my head to the pillow, i drifted off for about 30 minutes before waking up suddenly, I had this strange sensation of depersonalization wash over me, and my head felt foggy, almost like i had fallen asleep but hadn't at the same time.

The season has been changing and the weather has been incredibly sporadic, i noticed that certain areas around my face and head felt tight, just how they do when my sinuses are inflamed, I took some Sudafed and after about 30 minutes it started to clear up, however that looming fear of Sporadic Fatal Insomnia has been steadily creeping into my mind, I noticed that a symptom of SFI was a stiff neck and so far that has been the one thing that has scared me half to death considering my neck has felt stiff for about a week and a half now.

I've been up all night and i figured i should probably just try staying awake and resetting my natural sleep pattern, however at 2pm my eyes felt so heavy and i couldn't help but lay down, I dozed off for two hours before waking up again with the exact same symptoms, the more tired i am i've noticed the more anxious i become, i seem to be focusing on the fact that i'm not falling into REM sleep and trying to relate that to SFI, am i just being silly at this point?

08-05-16, 19:59
I was on here posting this exact fear a few weeks ago. If you do a search of the condition, you'll find several threads on the subject, all very reassuring responses.

Basically, this is one of the rarest diseases known to man. You don't have it and you never will. You need try and free yourself of this fear because even if you don't have it, you're still allowing the condition to affect your life by fretting about it.

08-05-16, 20:32
Thank you for the response and I totally agree, I got in contact with a local health professional regarding the whole situation and it surprised me that she didn't really have much knowledge regarding the condition, It made me realize that this more so related to my Sinuses and a terrible sleeping pattern that's in dire need of a reset.