View Full Version : Ally: LongTerm Fatigue

08-05-16, 18:38
I had panick attacks in early April, and they have tapered off as I became more aware of my triggers.

The thing I'm trying to get more information on is fatigue. I haven't been back at work since April 11th because I get exhausted very quickly. Is it normal or expected for fatigue to last up to a month after the panick attacks have gone?

I have minor symptoms now like dizziness while at the computer, or feeling generalized fear at times. I've read a few books on panick a few mention post-panick fatigue that may last the rest of the day - but I'm curious if anyone has experienced this type of extended fatigue - weeks after the attacks.

My doctor has done blood tests, and my thyroids are fine and I do not have a heart condition.

08-05-16, 18:43
Hiya AllyThoughts and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

09-05-16, 15:37
Good morning AllyThoughts. After reading your post, I would say the fatigue issue can come into play with panic/anxiety. Note I'm not a professional, this is from my own experience. When panic first hit me I must say I experienced fatigue and light-headedness when confronting the places I experienced the attacks. Places like work or driving my car, even when visiting my therapist.

I mention the therapist because early in my treatment I was siting in my therapist office and mentioned I was having a panic attack at that moment. He looked at me calmly and asked if I felt light headed, which I said yes. Then he asked if I felt like passing out, which I again said yes. His reply was a true Ah Huh moment, because he said, well your sitting comfortably, if you have to pass out, go ahead. In other words he was saying don't fight it.

I recommend checking out a eBook by Geert Verschaeve, titled How to Stop Anxiety & Panic Attacks (http://www.amazon.com/Geert-Verschaeve/e/B003ZWHJ1S/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1). Like us he's not a therapist, just a panic sufferer. His books are not expensive and available at Amazon. AllyThoughts I wish you all the best and you can overcome this.

09-05-16, 21:54
Thanks fduop