View Full Version : Brain tumor fear :(

08-05-16, 20:09
I've been having a lot of fear that I have a brain tumor... :(

I've been feeling a lot of pressure in my forehead, around my nose, in addition to minor pain slightly above my eyes. It's accompanied by a fogginess in the head (definitely not vertigo or even lightheaded). I also have quite a bit of congestion -- not runny or discharge though and no sneezing.

I've had this for quite some time and feel like I've experienced it before, probably 5 years ago. I had this sensation back in February, but it went away for the whole month -- I believe because I was taking Allegra.

I sleep fine and feel refreshed after a nap or waking up in the morning. I wish I had access to Allegra but unfortunately do not. No other symptoms really and I'm just worried it's something terrible. Absolutely fixated with it.

Any advice or similar experience?

09-05-16, 04:34
Your symptoms sound extremely similar to mine when I get sinus infections or head colds. Perhaps an antibiotic can help clear if up fast! Don't worry about a brain tumor, this does NOT sound like one

09-05-16, 05:27
Sounds exactly like a sinus infection. Brain tumors are rare, and the symptoms are very different from what you described. The congestion and drainage is very telling. It could be a sinus infection or allergies or hay fever. I would rule out brain tumor.

10-05-16, 03:23
You are afraid of a brain tumor but just described a sinus infection and allergies to a T.

10-05-16, 06:05
Yes, probably allergies and sinus infection.
Brain tumor symptoms don't come and go.