View Full Version : Panicking!

08-05-16, 21:30
I went out last night, got in at 6 this morning and took my 30mg of citalopram as I normally take them at night. I have just taken tonight's dose and now I'm panicking as its only been 14 hours since I took the last dose? Should I be worried! Help please!

08-05-16, 22:05
No Lizi, you should be fine. You would need a whole lot more than 30 mg after a 14 hour gap.

09-05-16, 06:02
No, Liz you will be fine. Cit has a half life of 35 hours so missing a dose can appear to cause very little, if anything, so being behind by 14 hours would take it to about 38 hours so it would be just a little under 50%.

Then by taking your next one 14 hours later you would be bringing it back up again. It basically squeezes them together a bit closer so there is a bit more overlap than normal and the result is just dipping a little lower than normal and having a short period where there could be a little more than normal in there but 14 hours about is still a good gap so it will be fine.

09-05-16, 15:06
I agree with Terry, you've nothing to worry about, just don't make a habit out of it- take them with you if you're out and potentially not going to get back home.