View Full Version : Post nasal drip?

08-05-16, 23:05
Hi, i posted on the HA forum but would like an opinion here.
I've had asthma since i was little, and i am allergic to a ton of things (grass, weeds, pollen, mites, dust... everything). I live in a very dusty place...
Approximately since i was about eleven or twelve, i started with constant throat clearing, in these last years it hasn't been that prominent, as i have been associating it with times when i am very very anxious and it's like a bad habit most of the time. However, sometimes i do feel phlegm in my throat, most of the time it feels like a very runny mucus. There are times where i've cleared my throat and i spit out clear phlegm. I can feel the mucus trickling down from my nose into my throat, and while i've always attributed it to my uncountable allergies, now i am worried it's actually acid reflux (although i rarely get reflux, only when i eat a lot and particularly spicy food) and i have been ignoring it for almost 13 years. I don't smoke, i don't drink and even when mexican food is commonly spicy, i don't eat salsa and limit my ingestion of spicy food because i don't really like it.

I was in panic yesterday and posted on the HA forum, i feel a bit more calm now but i would like some input from people who actually have LPR or GERD.
Thanks in advance♥