View Full Version : 6 weeks

08-05-16, 23:42
Hi all, hope everyone is doing ok. I'm almost at 6 weeks. I think my mood is slightly improved but I can't really tell. My side effects from the drug itself are improving for sure...I think I'm going to give it another few weeks then discuss an increase in dose. I didn't have a panic attack today so that's a positive, though I think the depression is a little harder to deal with.
I am finding that I'm having crazy vivid dreams, which I had when I tried mirtazapine, but they've only just started with cit. I get confused between dreams and reality :/
I do find I'm struggling hugely to get out of bed in the mornings, partly because I'm knackered, mostly because I just honestly don't want to face the day. It's better when I have nothing to do so I know it's the sodding anxiety!

09-05-16, 09:45
Hi Chaos. I'm currently on day 20 of Citalopram 20mg. It's been a rough three weeks. I seem to have gone through the alphabet of side effects, and so far they don't seem to be abating. The lack of appetite and tightly knotted stomach are the worst of them, although whether they are actually side effects, or the symptoms of my anxiety, is moot.

I shall be glad to come out of the other side, but I do realise that these are still early days. I have a review with my GP on 23 May and if there's no change, I'll have a discussion on whether there's anything else I can do to relieve the side effects.

If you think your mood has improved, then it sounds as though the medication is working for you. Sounds good to me. Hang on in there Chaos.

09-05-16, 15:05
chaos, you don't mention your dose? Probably 20mg right? Hang on in there!

09-05-16, 18:24
Solly, that's exactly how I was around that time too! The constant anxiety and knotted stomach/sicky feeling does start to ease up. Def speak with your Dr if you're concerned though, I met with my pharmacist and he was excellent and reassuring. I really hope you see a positive change soon, I know how hard this sucks!
Mark yes I'm 20mg, not sure how long to give it before a dose increase discussion! I'm aware that is actually early days still really it's just so frustrating. I find I'm so much better if I don't have work to deal with as it's incredibly stressful and I'm under a huge amount of pressure. It's resort to deal with the depression and mild anxiety only rather than heightened anxiety too. I find I've had a few pleasant moments over the weekend so I'm trying to cling to those. It sounds very clinched but it's so very up and down at the moment!

09-05-16, 18:51
Solly, that's exactly how I was around that time too! The constant anxiety and knotted stomach/sicky feeling does start to ease up. Def speak with your Dr if you're concerned though, I met with my pharmacist and he was excellent and reassuring. I really hope you see a positive change soon, I know how hard this sucks!
Mark yes I'm 20mg, not sure how long to give it before a dose increase discussion! I'm aware that is actually early days still really it's just so frustrating. I find I'm so much better if I don't have work to deal with as it's incredibly stressful and I'm under a huge amount of pressure. It's resort to deal with the depression and mild anxiety only rather than heightened anxiety too. I find I've had a few pleasant moments over the weekend so I'm trying to cling to those. It sounds very clinched but it's so very up and down at the moment!

Can you have your doctor sign you off from work for a couple of weeks until you are feeling good and you can destress. My anxiety all started about 3 years ago due to high stress job / job burnout. I haven't worked since and here in the US I am trying to get Disability through the government. I have a court date on June 1st. I do hope to get back to work one day though.

09-05-16, 19:24
Hi Chaos. Thanks for the reassurance, it really helps when you know someone else has experienced the same sort of symptoms.

10-05-16, 15:34
Hi victory, unfortunately not as it's my own company, and a lot of what I do, noone else is trained for :(

---------- Post added at 15:33 ---------- Previous post was at 15:13 ----------

How are you today solly?

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Good luck with your court date victory!!

11-05-16, 13:42
If it helps, I find that I feel more anxious when I'm dealing with work. Sundays before bed I have a "moment" where I'm dreading going to sleep because it means a new week at work. Maybe it's time to ease the workload a little bit? I don't know how easy it would be for you.

11-05-16, 21:52
I totally have that moment too! That's a good idea, I recognise that I put far too much pressure on myself. Whilst it's undeniable that I've got a huge amount of responsibility, I do definitely need to try and delegate a little more. I'm really lucky, I'm studying for an accounting qualification and study at home on Fridays so one day to go! Lol. I am trying to look forward to two or three weeks Doreen the line when my stress should ease anyway. My job is crazy stressful at the best of times but I do love it, although the last 18 months have been very trying indeed, and with other events it's just all got too much :/

12-05-16, 09:28
---------- Post added at 15:33 ---------- Previous post was at 15:13 ----------

[/COLOR]How are you today solly?[COLOR="blue"]

My apologies Chaos, I hadn't noticed that you'd asked me a question. In answer, I'm pretty much the same, with a catalogue of side-effects that would fill two sides of A4.

If the side-effects are still bothering me when I have my review with my GP on 23 May, we will be having a discussion about them. Meanwhile I will soldier on the best way I can and take comfort in the fact that you, and many others on this very supportive forum, have suffered the same discomforts and have persevered to come through the other side.

Hope you are progressing well, Chaos. Hang on in there.....

13-05-16, 10:25
I really hope they ease for you soon! I have had a really rough few days with anxiety, I'm feeling a little better this morning. I'm working from home today studying for an exam so I find that easier. My son is at school, partner at work so it's nice and quiet and calm which helps.
I have had a bad few days missing a relative who passed away too but like you say, soldiering on! The weather is nice today which always helps my mood a little bit.
I hate that it takes so long for these medications to work!