View Full Version : Testicle cancer question ! Please answer !

09-05-16, 08:00
basically , I've had a testicle pain(well behind testicle ) for 2 and a half months . I did see a doctor and said no lumps or swelling ( I had been kicked in the testicle and burst veins !) he felt it's trauma / injury

The pain originally was agony and also pain in the back , but the pain really has lowered and started to really ease off , just a small ache most of the time I forget about it

So my question is does testicle cancer pain slowly subside and ease off or does it get worse ?

Please answer as this will completely help my anxieties

Thanks so much everyone

09-05-16, 08:24
Hi corwichnity. I've been to the doctors 2 or 3 times with the same thing as you; Pain, discomfort, tenderness etc... and had physical examinations. All were fine.
I've had a few impact injuries in the old boys too, a squash ball striking with precision has left a lasting memory. I still get occasional pains now; they come and go and anxiety heightens them. Also, I sit down all day at work so i get backache, tight groin, hamstrings etc... particularly when I'm tense. It's all connected as far as I'm concerned.
My advice would be to accept your doctor's opinion on this, and try to relax your body and mind.

09-05-16, 08:36
From a previous post


09-05-16, 08:46
I'm wincing just reading these threads! :ohmy:

I think you know the answer to this, you did in the other thread. How would that have caused a cellular level change in cancer starting? And why if it could do, would the pain go to almost nothing? As the last poster said on the other thread, it would get progressively worse. Growths cut off blood supplies in such areas and that causes a lot of pain.

The fact it has greatly subsided shows you have been healing. You can't heal a cancer like that. And if it was twisted testicles it would have been agony and straight up to the hospital.

09-05-16, 09:26
Thanks everyone . You guys have made the difference in my way of thinking . Thanks a lot !