View Full Version : Constant Head Chatter - So worried

09-05-16, 09:33

I thought I would write on here and pick anyone's brains on head chatter.

My head feels like it is going to literally explode it is that full with anxiety and worry.

I am totally exhausted and when I try to sleep all I get in my head is a million thoughts, random images, and they dart about from one thing to another.

I am so worried that all the pressure that I have from the worries is going to cause a brain hemorrhage or memory loss or even worse.

The other day I was driving to my friends house and her road and another look identical and I drove parked up and knocked on her door, although it wasn't her door it was the wrong road. I then started having a panic attack that I am having a stroke or I have confusion etc. This has gotten so much worse and am questioning everything and my memory. Am constantly going through peoples names etc in my head to prove I am not going mad.

All I want to to is cry. Has anyone else experienced this?

I have had health anxiety. GAD and OCD for over 20 years. I am 35.

Any help would be appreciated.

Lots of positive thoughts to everyone.

09-05-16, 09:44
I really would not worry if I were you.

That kind of thing happens to everyone. It happens even more to people like you or myself, who are continuously preoccupied with worries and thoughts.

A few years ago I was on a phone call, and I suddenly lost all words and thoughts - and I started to panic thinking something was wrong with me.

Sounds just like classic anxiety

09-05-16, 09:50
Hi �� Head Chatter is a good name for it!
I too have had GAD, HA and depression for many years.
I know what you mean as sometimes my head feels like it's ready to burst with constant thoughts and worries chasing each other. I get a feeling of pressure in my head but I've read on this forum that many people have it and some have had it for years.

I'm sure you know that it's caused by anxiety. So don't give yourself more to worry about by expecting to have a stroke. You won't.

Try to deal with the root cause which is the anxiety and the head chatter will calm down.
A combination of CBT exercises and some medication should help.

We get exhausted from this anxiety and that's why you feel like crying. Be kind to yourself. Give yourself a treat. Hopefully something that will help you feel more relaxed.

Maybe you have too much going on in your life? Work or family? Think about ways to give yourself a more stress free life.

I hope this is of some help.

09-05-16, 10:04
Thanks for all your kind words. My therapist always says that we aren't supposed to ask for reassurance but it really helps when you are in what I call a spiral.

I have a monster headache that has come on this morning, but I am trying to talk myself down from it.

It makes it easier that people are going through the same thing.

Thank you..And I hope that it gets easier for all of us x