View Full Version : Anxiety caused by chronic ill health

09-05-16, 09:37
I was wondering if anyone had any advice. I have been unwell for over 6 months and with it my anxiety returned.

I started with an anxiety disorder 4 years ago after I went through a very traumatic time with my family, I had to cut out a violent family member. It all led to me having general anxiety and agoraphobia. I had CBT and after about 18 months things turned around. I was out living life again and happy. I still had anxiety but it was under control. Last summer I started feeling very tired easily and some days I just felt I had to rest all day, it was so out of character for me. By August I saw my GP and he told me he thought I had hypothyroidism and ran some tests. He said they were all normal. I asked for a print out and saw my thyroid TSH result was at the very end of the normal range at 5.35 and the range went up to 5.5. My B12 was at the bottom end of normal range and Ferritin was the last number in range lol! I questioned them and my GP told me ok I was borderline.

My fatugue continued but I carried on plodding on, as a mother to 3 children I had no choice. Then in October last year my 12 year old son told me he was still being bullied, where as I thought the bullying from primary school had ended once in high school. He told me he was suicidal and didn't want to carry on. My world fell apart. He was referred to CAMHS by our GP, they told me to hide any objects that could be a danger and took it very seriously. During his assessment though they refused to help, NHS cuts. They said I had anxiety in the past so would be the best person to help him. My son got worse after the appointment as he was afraid he wouldn't get better. He was crippled by anxiety and panic attacks, school were forever sending him home unable to cope with his panic attacks. I took matters into my own hands and gave him therapy and I am proud to say he is now the happiest I have ever seen him and has perfect attendance in school:D

Sorry for that background ramble but I wanted to just explain what has led to where i am today. During that crippling stress seeing my son that unwell I became very ill. My fatigue got worse than ever, and after a particular bad morning having to leave my son in school begging me not to leave him while the teachers took him from me, i got home and broke down crying. I felt my body break that day and I was bed bound for about 2 weeks. I only got up to take my children to school and pick them up and that was very hard. I had a feeling of the ground moving, dizziness, sheer weakness in my legs, crippling fatigue and I just generally felt awful and had very high anxiety as I was terrified what was wrong with me. My husband called the GP and told him he was worried what was wrong with me so my GP called out to see me. Which I found very hard as I had a panic attack around the time my son was ill, at the GP surgery and now I find appoinments tough.

My GP came out to see me and ruled out anything sinister and diagnosed acute stress caused by the trauma of seeing my son that unwell. I'd not been sleeping as I was too frightened to leave him and he said this had all taken its toll and advised lots of rest and avoiding stress where possible. He knew I had no support other than my husband, so it was hard for me to get much rest as my husband works long hour.. My GP came out again in December and January to check how I was, he ran bloods and all were fine other than I had high cholesterol. He told me I was perfectly healthy so this was all acute stress and tried to blame depression. Sure I was really rock bottom at the time but as he said what mother wouldn't be suffering with severe stress going through this nightmare with no support. He was very supportive but I knew it was far from just stress.

As the stress calmed and my son recovered I felt a little less dizzy but the crippling fatigue I'd had since last summer continued and infact got worse. I couldn't do yoga, much housework or a day out as the next day I'd be in bed very weak and ill. Like a crash. So I went and had a private thyroid test which tested everything that the NHS can't test. It showed my TSH was now 6.54, so out of range and my T4 level was 14.8. I sent the results to my GP and he called and said 'ok I think you are subclinical hypothyroid and we will test you every 8 weeks'. He told me they don't treat until TSH reaches 10 in the UK. So in March I had another test which showed my TSH was 7.54 and T4 had risen to 15.8 which was puzzling as T4 normally drops as the thyroid fails and TSH rises. My GP called me again and said he was also puzzled by this but as my mother is hypothyroid and my TSH is showing a trend of rising he needed just 1 more test in May and then he will treat me even if it hasn't hit 10 but has risen even slightly. He agreed I was very symptomatic.

The thing is I am not typical hypothyroid. I don't feel cold, don't gain weight (but can't lose any either, I am on Mirtazapine so no wonder), none of the regular symptoms but I had crippling chronic fatigue and weakness. I told him how i crash after a day of activity or even just a trip out for an hour or two, I will then feel fatigue wash over me and have to rest. Like a crash feeling. He said that sounded much more like CFS and diagnosed that too.

So all of this has led to me having anxiety again. Agoraphobia has crept back in due to how weak and ill I have been. That started after a panic attack in the Dr's room, and from them on I lost my confidence. I also became afraid of going out feeling this fatigued and weak, afraid I would pass out or faint and scare my children. All day I feel anxious on a crash day, worried will I faint or end up in hospital, and how would i cope in hospital having agoraphobia..... those kind of thoughts. I worry about having to even go to the GP surgery but I know he comes to me right now due to my health issues. I do go out, I do the school run and small shops but not much more due to my fatigue and crashes as its too much. My friends tell me how i feel is very normal under the circumstances as I am unwell but I hate it and I keep pushing myself, trying to prove to myself I'm not poorly and this is all in my head but then I crash badly and am in bed for 2 days then I realise I am ill and get upset. I just worry I let my children down being chronically ill and I also I guess feel like 'why me?' wasn't what my family put me through and all the anxiety I worked hard to over come, enough? I then slap myself as I don't ever think about that anymore or feel a victim :winks:

I have been reading Claire Weekes, Paul Davids books and all the things that helped me through the anxiety and agoraphobia a few years ago but it's not working this time. I still feel anxious incase I faint or collapse and end up in hospital and fear going to hospital due to the agoraphobia this ill health has caused. Everything I feel scares me, the weakness, the fatigue even scares me.... I then think well other people get ill and don't have anxiety like this, so why am I so afraid. I have this horrible fear of fainting since this ill health, even get terrified before blood tests now incase I faint which I never feared before. I just can't seem to take in what the books say this time because I think well ok I am anxious and yes I do have agoraphobia but it's caused by real health issues, so surely these books that talk about anxiety symptoms can't help me right now.

I am sorry for this long, long post. I hope someone understands what I am saying about how books can't help me. Has anyone any advice of overcoming anxiety caused by ill health?

Thank you if you took the time to read this, I am sorry it got long winded, I am just trying to get out what led me to this horrible anxiety again:)

09-05-16, 09:58
I cannot begin to imagine the stress and grief involved in hearing a child say they feel suicidal. That would utterly destroy me :weep:

I can't comment on your medical results as I'm not qualified to do so, but I do wonder if there's a chicken/egg situation here? Are you anxious because you're ill, or ill because you're anxious?

I've been under extraordinary amounts of stress for the last 3-4 years and I also feel incredible amounts of fatigue. My body just doesn't work the way it used to. I've been in hospital several times, had dozens of blood tests and it's all relatively 'normal'. The last hospital visit (only a month ago) I had quite a long chat with a Doctor there who told me what I already knew, that once sources of stress are removed it can take several months for your body and mind to calm down again. I am constantly fatigued and often collapse after doing relatively menial tasks.

I'm not saying that's 100% the case with you as you do have blood test results showing scope for medical intervention, but I think it's important to pay attention to the mind as well as the body.

I hope you and your son find the answer.

09-05-16, 10:26
Hi Bonniebelle,

You've sure been through a lot!

I can relate on so many levels as I have similar issues. Have had CFS for 20 years but managed to work part time for the past 11 years and have some sort of a life with anxiety alongside as well, but mostly manageable.

Then at the end of 2014 my Dad died a horrible death and the months that followed involved so much family drama and stress and my whole family fell apart. At the time I was quite pleased with how well I'd coped with it all. but then, in October 2015, on Dad's anniversary I had the worst panic attack ever and really thought I was dying. Two more each a week after the next and it's been downhill mostly since then to the point of having to stop work etc.

That's really enough about my story but I have off kilter thyroid results too. Opposite to you I have subclinical hypERthyroid and am told I should be asymptomatic but find this hard to fit with how physically ill I feel all the time as well as the anxiety.

I feel that if it was 'just' anxiety (not that there is anything just about severe anxiety) then I would have improved by now and be able to take all the right steps but having ill health as well is a double whammy. I have Crohn's too so haven't had the best of luck.

I'd say the best thing to do is be as kind to yourself as possible. Don't overdo it, even on days when you feel quite good. Pace yourself and try to balance rest and fun with the hard stuff.

Maybe stress is enough to make us that unwell and maybe we need time for it to settle?

09-05-16, 11:56
Thank you Joe.

Yes I do believe the stress of seeing my son that ill broke me but as you say I have tests showing medical intervention is needed and my GP has agreed on this.

My son is now happy and well now that the bullying is over and i taught him a way to cope better with panic and anxiety, which he never suffered from until October time.

Stress certainly has a huge impact on us mentally and physically so I think it's definitely led to my chronic fatigue syndrome for sure.

My HUGE fear is collapsing, on days i am crashing and weak like today that is my fear. Fainting and collapsing have been my fear throughout. Which I guess is normal when you're feeling so ill and anxious about it.

I have definite energy crashes after long days, or even just a few shops like at the weekend when i went out. I felt crippling fatigue for 24 hours after. I then push myself through a crash day and try to believe it's not really happening but then i crash and burn more so. It's so hard trying to find a balance.

Thank you for your reply.

I cannot begin to imagine the stress and grief involved in hearing a child say they feel suicidal. That would utterly destroy me :weep:

I can't comment on your medical results as I'm not qualified to do so, but I do wonder if there's a chicken/egg situation here? Are you anxious because you're ill, or ill because you're anxious?

I've been under extraordinary amounts of stress for the last 3-4 years and I also feel incredible amounts of fatigue. My body just doesn't work the way it used to. I've been in hospital several times, had dozens of blood tests and it's all relatively 'normal'. The last hospital visit (only a month ago) I had quite a long chat with a Doctor there who told me what I already knew, that once sources of stress are removed it can take several months for your body and mind to calm down again. I am constantly fatigued and often collapse after doing relatively menial tasks.

I'm not saying that's 100% the case with you as you do have blood test results showing scope for medical intervention, but I think it's important to pay attention to the mind as well as the body.

I hope you and your son find the answer.

---------- Post added at 11:56 ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 ----------

HI Shaza

I am so very sorry for what you went through. I lost my grandmother suddenly 4 years ago this summer and I am still heartbroken as we were so close. Going through all of that really does effect us in so many ways.

I am told I am subclinical hypothyroid despite now my TSH being 7.5 so well out of the range. THe UK are the only country to wait until it hits 10 before they treat hypothyroidism. It's silly when the lab range only goes up to 5.5. It's scary to think how many people are ill and being told they are fine when their results could be out of range. I have been through this and thank goodness got priint outs and challenged my GP.

We do have to be kind to ourselves and listen to our bodies. Do you have crash days where you feel exhausted and need to reset? I think hyperthyroid is the opposite symptom wise to hypo. My Gp told me you feel very anxious and panicky when hyperthyroid and very low when hypo but my anxiety has increased with my TSH rising for sure.

Big hugs to you. I hope your GP treats you soon and you feel better. xx

Hi Bonniebelle,

You've sure been through a lot!

I can relate on so many levels as I have similar issues. Have had CFS for 20 years but managed to work part time for the past 11 years and have some sort of a life with anxiety alongside as well, but mostly manageable.

Then at the end of 2014 my Dad died a horrible death and the months that followed involved so much family drama and stress and my whole family fell apart. At the time I was quite pleased with how well I'd coped with it all. but then, in October 2015, on Dad's anniversary I had the worst panic attack ever and really thought I was dying. Two more each a week after the next and it's been downhill mostly since then to the point of having to stop work etc.

That's really enough about my story but I have off kilter thyroid results too. Opposite to you I have subclinical hypERthyroid and am told I should be asymptomatic but find this hard to fit with how physically ill I feel all the time as well as the anxiety.

I feel that if it was 'just' anxiety (not that there is anything just about severe anxiety) then I would have improved by now and be able to take all the right steps but having ill health as well is a double whammy. I have Crohn's too so haven't had the best of luck.

I'd say the best thing to do is be as kind to yourself as possible. Don't overdo it, even on days when you feel quite good. Pace yourself and try to balance rest and fun with the hard stuff.

Maybe stress is enough to make us that unwell and maybe we need time for it to settle?

10-05-16, 09:34
I have definite energy crashes after long days, or even just a few shops like at the weekend when i went out. I felt crippling fatigue for 24 hours after. I then push myself through a crash day and try to believe it's not really happening but then i crash and burn more so. It's so hard trying to find a balance.

I did quite a lot of reading up on chronic fatigue the first time it happened to me a couple of years ago and the one recurring theme was something called 'pacing'. It's about recognising when you're having a crash, and not trying to power through. It's very counter productive as you're experiencing.

I also take magnesium supplements as well as a number of other vitamins and minerals and I also learned the prolonged stress strips your body of minerals (more so than vitamins).

It is very hard to find a balance (especially with kids who are 24/7 demanding!!!) but I think this is one of those times where you have to look after number one.

10-05-16, 10:10
I dislike the way our symptoms are put down to 'just' anxiety. Yes they are due to that condition but they are very real and not as some doctors seem to imply, imagined.

I've had anxiety, panic attacks and depression for a long time and it's definitely had a physical effect on my system.

For many years I've had what I can only describe as flare-ups where I have awful fatigue and what feels like flu symptoms that never develop into anything but can take weeks and sometimes months to disappear.

I've had all sorts of tests and nothing could be pin pointed so the Doctors say it's 'just' anxiety.

I finally found a Doctor in South Africa who explained how much damage the stress hormones can do when our bodies produce an overdose of them. (In circumstances where we don't obviously need them).

He prescribed large doses of vitamin C, Pantothenic Acid, Magnesium and Vitamin B co.
Together with gentle exercise and a healthy diet of unprocessed food and no caffeine.

Being given a diagnosis helped me to relax about my condition, which had produced a load more anxiety! And I followed his advice and recovered within two months.

I haven't taken the vitamins always but when I get a flare-up, usually after a period of anxiety I start taking them again and follow that doctors advice. It takes time but it does work.

There's probably something more Doctors could do about this if they would only take the time to listen and do some research.

10-05-16, 11:16
I dislike the way our symptoms are put down to 'just' anxiety. Yes they are due to that condition but they are very real and not as some doctors seem to imply, imagined.

I've had anxiety, panic attacks and depression for a long time and it's definitely had a physical effect on my system.

For many years I've had what I can only describe as flare-ups where I have awful fatigue and what feels like flu symptoms that never develop into anything but can take weeks and sometimes months to disappear.

I've had all sorts of tests and nothing could be pin pointed so the Doctors say it's 'just' anxiety.

I finally found a Doctor in South Africa who explained how much damage the stress hormones can do when our bodies produce an overdose of them. (In circumstances where we don't obviously need them).

He prescribed large doses of vitamin C, Pantothenic Acid, Magnesium and Vitamin B co.
Together with gentle exercise and a healthy diet of unprocessed food and no caffeine.

Being given a diagnosis helped me to relax about my condition, which had produced a load more anxiety! And I followed his advice and recovered within two months.

I haven't taken the vitamins always but when I get a flare-up, usually after a period of anxiety I start taking them again and follow that doctors advice. It takes time but it does work.

There's probably something more Doctors could do about this if they would only take the time to listen and do some research.

I think the problem is that it could be argued that it is 'just anxiety/depression' as that's what's the root cause of vitamin and mineral depletion.

I'm pretty sure that UK GP's simply aren't aware of the link between the illnesses.

It took me a LONG time to figure it out myself by researching chronic fatigue.

Actually, if you look on Youtube there are plenty of videos about taking supplements to fight the effects of chronic fatigue. You do kinda have to filter out the snake oil peddlers, but they're usually easy to spot.

10-05-16, 13:03
I'm a carer and have to say that my vitamin B12 and folate levels are higher than the normal range but my white count is a little low but my haematologist says that this is due to chronic stress. I don't see myself as having chronic fatigue but more fatigue that is the result of anxiety overload. Pacing yourself is really important but is something I find incredibly difficult to do and even when I have the chance to sit down I find I can't! It's very hard but essential to get the balance right and I haven't managed it yet!