View Full Version : Typing with trembling hands..

09-05-16, 09:55
Hi all,

This is my second post to this forum.
I am so panicked right now that my hands are trembling, I'm feeling lightheaded and just thinking that nothing will ever be able to recover me..

I have been suffering from anxiety, OCD and panic disorder since a long time: almost 5 years.
But from last 1 year or so, the physical symptoms I'm having are so dreadful and haunting that I am having no hope and coping power to deal with my life anymore..

Does anybody, suffering from anxiety, have their left/right part of body weak?
I'm quite recently having such symptoms that the left part of my body is weak and it is getting weaker day by day..
I know this can also be because of anxiety. That's why I'm going to doctor tomorrow to confirm.
I just wanted to check whether anyone of you are having symptoms similar to me...

09-05-16, 10:29
Hi there, yes I have had the same except mine was the left side. I've had it all checked out and they can only put it down to anxiety.

I think our bodies show us we are stressed in different ways and everyone has slightly different symptoms. Mine seem to change constantly. I don't notice the left side weakness any more but have other things like blurred vision.

Not that it helps much to know anxiety is causing it as that's scary enough isn't it?

09-05-16, 11:52
Hi Shazamataz,

Thanks for responding. It is relieving to find someone else facing same problems as mine.
Did your left-sided weakness increase at some point?
In my case, it has become really scary. I mean, frightening!
Firstly, there was a slight weakness, unnoticeable. After some time, it grew with anxiety and I started noticing. Since then it has never stopped growing.
Now a days, I feel extreme weakness and wonder whether my left hand will get detached eventually..

09-05-16, 22:48
Mine came and went but got worse and worse the more I thought about it. Seems that's what happens with all our symptoms.

I still notice it occasionally from time to time but tell myself it's just anxiety and it passes. I was at a point a while back where I would even drop things with my left hand and always bump into things with that arm and often feel I was going to trip over my left leg. I don't have that any more so hope that can be reassuring.

I'd say there's no problem with getting the doctor to check you out, for peace of mind but I'm sure it's just anxiety.

10-05-16, 04:36
Shazamataz, that's really reassuring. I'm getting better equipped to cope with anxiety and I hope everything will be alright.