View Full Version : Hello, I'm New

10-03-07, 21:17
Hello All, I'm new here, I came across this website while i was looking for some help for my panic attacks.

I had a really bad one on the night/early morning of the 9th of march 2007, I couldnt sleep all night.. I started having a very bad panic attack, it just came on with no warning.:weep: :shrug:

I put the light on because i found it hard to breath, then i thought the sun was coliding with the earth! i went over to the window and looked out at the sun, it seemed to be getting bigger and bigger...

i thought everything was shaking, the bedroom and everything..

i got even worse.. i just couldnt breathe.. my heart was pounding like mad..

i thought Oh no were all going to die... i woke my BF up,and told him, but he said come to bed and stop being daft..

so i went back to the window feeling dizzy and light headed...and short of breath, i thought i was going to faint.. i opened the window and looked out, the sun seemed to be getting bigger and bigger..

I breathed in the air, but it wasnt helping.. my BF got up and phoned the doctors and tried to calm me down, saying that i wasnt going to die.. but i didnt believe him..

he led me downstairs, it was 6:27am..

he sat me down and we had to wait for the doctors to open at 9am... he sat with me holding me..but i couldnt stop looking out of the window at the sun.

I thought any minute now we are going to die, this is the end of the world..

just before 9am we went over to the doctors, i wasnt myself.. my head was spinning and when the woman spoke at the desk, i couldnt understand her!?

so my BF had to tell her what was the matter with me..

anyway i saw my doctor and he gave me some diasepam.

and my Bf took me back home, i took a pill, and felt very sleepy..so i went to bed, and conked out..

a few hours later i woke up, it was now 3pm or so.. i still felt funny, dizzy.

even now i feel abit dizzy.. my vision isnt right!? and i don't know why?

i've goto go back to the doctors next week, so i just hope i don't have another bad panic attack..:sad: :unsure:

I just didn't know what was happening.. i thought it was the end of the world!! the last time this happened really bad we were in a town in the swiss alps.. but it wasnt this bad..

whats wrong with me? can anyone surgest anything..?

10-03-07, 21:18
hello welcome i hope u find the help u need :)

11-03-07, 10:29
Hi Kampensam,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

Granny Primark
11-03-07, 10:41
Welcome to the site.
How scary it must have been for you.
Irrational thoughts are part of anxiety and panic attacks.
Just knowing that there are people who understand totally what you are going thru really does help.
Before I joined this site I thought I was the only person whod ever suffered irrational thoughts and panic attacks.
Im sure you get loads of help, advice and support from this site.
Everyone is so friendly.

Take care

11-03-07, 10:42
:welcome: KampenSam!

You will meet loads of new friends here and get lots of good advice. I was in the chat room last night and hope to see you around again soon.

Take care,

11-03-07, 12:25
Hi there and welcome aboard.

It is really scarey when that happens isn't it? I know how you must be feeling but try to remember it is just thoughts and not reality.

Have a read of the Symptoms page as there is some info on there about weird thoughts.

Hope we can be of somne help anyway.

11-03-07, 18:03

Welcome to the forum you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends,

Take care

Trac xx

11-03-07, 21:19
Hi there

http://bestsmileys.com/welcome/1.gif to the forum.

You'll find a lot of help and support here.


13-03-07, 15:21
Hello, thank you for the warm welcomes.

i'm not feeling to good so i will be quick typing this,

ever since sunday night i have had bad diarrhea, and it mainly just water, sloppy and yellow bile. my guts are hurting so much, even when i take one paracetamol 500mg tablet that doesnt seem to work..

i've goto see the doctor on the 15th of march, but i don't think i can wait that long. :(

I know i have got I.B.S. but before i had that panic attack my guts were controlled.. but everytime i feel strong pain in my guts, i know that i've only got a couple of seconds if that to make it to the toilet.. and i'm on there for ages. :( i hate it so much, being like this.

the pill's i am on are, Mebeverine, Colpermin and Buscopan. I have stopped taking the colpermin as that has got peppermint oil in the capsules, because that makes you go.

so i'm just taking the mebeverine and buscopan at the moment.

I don't know whats up with me? and i'm abit worried.. i am drinking plenty. and eating alright.

has anyone else had this effect them?

also before it all started on sunday night, during the day and friday, i felt dizzy and i was finding it difficult to see straight!?.

i just hope it goes away soon, i hate it because i was just making a sandwich and i had to leave everything and run to the toilet..

bye for now from Sam.

13-03-07, 19:32
Hi there ,

A BIG welcome to the site, hope you feel better soon.

Take care

shirley xx

Freaky Chick
13-03-07, 23:39
Hi There

Welcome to the site. Hope meeting us helps.:hugs:

We've all been there in some way or another, and there is bound to be someone who has had similar symptoms.

Panic and Anxiety can make your tummy upset at the best of time, it can cause stomach cramps and dia - dramas. I'm sorry you are experiencing such nasty effects of anxiety, unfortunately it can make your IBS a little less controlled.

If you have that much pain, as long as you're over 15 then unless your doc has told you otherwise, you can take up to 1g (2 x 500mg tabs) of paracetamol to help with the pain. Ginger is good for upset tummys, so if you like Ginger biscuits or ginger and lemon tea then that can be good, or peppermint tea, rather than oil, can help too.

You will be alright, it is nasty when you feel all these symptoms and your head is so full of so much, you can't separate out one thought to tackle, but try and take deep breaths and distract yourself - i found DVD's and TV worked for me, just mindless stuff to stare at. Others have found music and exercise helps.

If you think you need to see your G.P earlier, then go. That's what they are there for. Don't sit and suffer, waiting for the appointment.

I hope you feel a little better soon

Love Freaky Chick :hugs: :hugs:

Pink Princess
14-03-07, 16:29
hello welcome to the site, hope you find a lot of supprot and setlle in soon x x x take kare x x x

15-03-07, 08:12
Welcome to the site..great support n advice here..glad to have ye on board x

16-03-07, 21:34