View Full Version : achy legs

09-05-16, 12:35
I'm 31 not that unfit but not fit either. . walk to work and back. do school run walk there and back. and sometimes have an half hour walk with my sister. but for ages I have not been going walks with my sister but today I did and it killed me. my calfs,shins and ankles were killing achy. had to keep stopping. but also whats worring me is that the past 3 weeks walking to work wich is at 5 45am I only gotta walk a few yards and my calfs,shins and ankles are achy. I do walk uphill wich I know won,t help. same as today a bit walking uphills. but not steep. don,t know wots wrong. I,ve posted on here bout pulsating,throbbing pain like heartbeat in back of my head on walking fast or running upstairs. I'm nearly 13stone. that's why I,ve started my walks back up. anyone else have/had this. scared to go to doctors.

09-05-16, 14:07
I had similar problems a few years ago and it turned out I had fallen arches due to my age and 2 pregnancies. I had physio and used orthotics in my shoes (and tried to lose weight) and it cleared up quite quickly. Hopefully you can get sorted too. X

09-05-16, 14:27
well my right heel has pain in and sometimes find it hard to walk.

09-05-16, 15:00
I get aches all over , being anxious and thinking about them only makes it worse. Our bodies get very tense when anxious so top that with walking and you will definitely feel it. How do you feel otherwise?

09-05-16, 15:15
I posted this in my "Positive Thoughts" thread.

"If you don't think your anxiety, depression, sadness and stress impact your physical health, think again. All of these emotions trigger chemical reactions in your body, which can lead to inflammation and a weakened immune system. Learn how to cope, sweet friend. There will always be dark days."

Kris Carr

When she says "Learn how to cope", she is referring to helping yourself. If that means therapy and/or meds, so be it. Look her up. She's has a rare form of cancer and also surviving. She's also a best selling author and is quite inspirational.

Positive thoughts

09-05-16, 17:22
Netminder1976. I feel ok in myself

09-05-16, 22:23
If ive been walking alot i tend to get achy legs aswell. The last few days ive been feeling quite crampy but think thats to do with the heat and hydration. Also what shoes od you wear most? I know if i wear my ugg boots or dolly shoes (basically flat soft soles) alot, my legs and feet get very sore and achey. Hope they ease up for you xx

10-05-16, 06:50
Fedup. I wear uggs too

10-05-16, 20:28
I dont know about you but know they deff effect my legs and hips. Today vry sore as had them on yestwrday and today xx

10-05-16, 21:15
Muscle aches are a hallmark of anxiety. All that adrenaline and tension in your body affects you in ways you don't normally think about.

14-05-16, 15:28
update on my achy legs. yestaday walking up to work was a real struggle couldn,t make it. I had to stop. and I couldn,t breath I couldn,t catch my breath I had a mini panic attack. my legs bought it all on. I still went to work but felt crap the rest of the day. I'm trying to rest today and not do anything. realy want my legs to get better.

16-05-16, 11:37
update on my achy legs. walking up to work this morning. was ok walked slowish to just help I did feel it more as I got to the hill but mainly in my calfs. then walked back from work,school run,shop walked back home. ok but felt a little in my calfs again so just took it slow. but so far so good. lets see what tomorrow brings.