View Full Version : Some advice reg meds please

09-05-16, 13:30
Hi guys

Been keeping away for a few days to see if this helps things and in a way it has and innothers hasnt. I had a few good days with reduce panic (Yay!!) but struggling today. I looked in my mouth this morning as my gums wete sore and look recieding but noticed a red almost looks like a blood blister/vein type thing on the gum of a 3/4 cut wisdom tooth, que freak out. I keep telling myself its not likely to be anything sinister, just an aggravation/ gum disease/ from remainder of tooth pushing through. Jaws sore but think thats from all the opening up to look in etc, throat and neck are bit achey and voice a bit croaky (had an endoscope 2 weeks ago and everything was normal) Has anyone experienced anything simillar??

My question regarding meds is i seem to be prone to s8de effects of medication and for this reason my dr and i want to avoid them but im starting to really really struggle, moods low, feel panicky and not fair on my dd whose only 3. I stated to my dr i dont want on them but rethinking that now, is there one with low side effects that might help? Ive been on sertraline and duloxetine.

Thanks in advance

11-05-16, 00:15
Hello Fedup79,

I have just started meds (Lexapro) a few weeks ago due to horrible health anxiety. I am also very sensitive to meds. But
So far I have not really experienced any unpleasant side effects besides slight worsening of anxiety symptoms. Which I heard to be normal when starting any SSRI. I am hoping they kick in soon because I cannot take this anxiety much longer. I have been dealing with it for 8 months without meds and let me tell you it has gotten worse. Do not wait to take action. It gets worse!
I now have what seems to be a pinched nerve in my left shoulder blade due to the tension ive been holding there and also slight Bursitis in my shoulder.

Anxiety is a living hell!!

11-05-16, 04:49
I stated to my dr i dont want on them but rethinking that now, is there one with low side effects that might help? Ive been on sertraline and duloxetine.

I found Duloxetine very hard to tolerate at 60mg when the adrenaline starts to be interacted with. I stick it out but it was the worst hell I've ever been through so I can understand reservations about meds if you had similar?

The question is a tough one because whilst there are some meds with lesser side effect profiles, some people still suffer starting them. It's always an individual thing.

Some that are known to be less harsh than the 1st line SSRI/SNRI's are such as Mirtazapine, Pregabalin, etc. Many people still struggle on Mirt. The same with Preg. And Preg is expensive so is harder to access but it is in NICE guidelines for GAD where other meds can't be tolerated. If you are in Buckinghamshire though you won't get it since that trust has banned it due to cost for any element of it's licence e.g. epilepsy.

There are other meds out there but you may need a psychiatrist for some of this as GP's may not have a clue about them. Agomelatine, for instance, which comes with no withdrawal. There will be more, the private sector have access to all sorts that the NHS won't touch and so it's something a psychiatrist would be better at advising on.

I think we would all like to go on something that won't make us worse but I regard it an unrealistic viewpoint because no one can ever be sure any med won't. I can appreciate the great worry it causes though, I've been on Citalopram and later Duloxetine and both made me very unwell for a time, Duloxetine being the worst.

11-05-16, 10:14
Thank you both. My side effects were several of the listed side effects but also producing breast milk (to the point i had to hand express daily, sorry tmi) so at first dr wasnt sure if was med related or petuatry gland related (thankfully bloods showed it was meds) Due back at gp the week after next so going to discuss things with him then, feel like im stuck in a big limbo. Im in nhs highland bracket so no idea what their protocolls are reg meds etc. I hate this anxiety, im really fed up of it all now. My mouth keeps feeling weird which im putting down to tense jaw and teeth grinding but obv not what the irational side is saying, grrrrrr. Thank you both again xx