View Full Version : Fearing It's Pancreatic Cancer

09-05-16, 14:55
It sounds absurd but i am going insane at work.
I woke up Saturday morning with pain in my right hip/side area, i assumed it was just a kidney pain as i had 2 alcoholic drinks the night before and i barely drink these days.
I woke up Sunday and the pain was still there, but noticed what seemed to be swelling, although today i'm not feeling what I felt yesterday.
Since Saturday iv'e barely ate. I've had an appetite in the sense i feel hungry and i comment on food smelling nice, i ordered a meal had 3-4 bites and i was instantly nauseous like I would of threw up there and then (I didn't)
Same with lunch today, i felt hungry, got my lunch ate a quarter of it and had the same feeling.
The pain is not that severe it keeps me up but it does mean i cant lie certain ways, i can walk (its a little sore though)and i keep getting pain in my spine right now which 'm obviously trying not to focus on but the hip pain is constant, i cant really describe it, it feels like the sort of pain when your bruise something, but i haven't injured myself in anyway.
I keep fearing that its pancreatic cancer because it can come on so suddenly. I'm 27, have generally been in good health, up until Friday i was eating absolutely normal, haven't had any loss of appetite or weight loss, extream tiredness, just the usual tiredness from working full time.
I have an interview for the job i'm in tomorrow and I cant focus on it as i'm petrified and i don't want to mess up and Ive had a lot of hard times in my relationship at present and I just cant deal with this on top and my doctor cant get me in, i havent had any bloods done since May last year so im fretting about that too xxx

---------- Post added at 13:55 ---------- Previous post was at 13:06 ----------

Also just want to add the pain in my back now seems to be lower back andonly when i breath in xxx

09-05-16, 15:04
If it were pancreatic cancer the pain wouldn't come and go. I had this same fear just several weeks ago. I believe the right side would be more gall bladder than pancreas. More than likely though it's just gas pain or muscular. Have you had any other symptoms?

09-05-16, 15:10
no not prior to Friday, but now I'm off my food, the back pain, (i'm going the toilet regularly and normally) the lack of energy, pain, had some dizziness too but im just fed up having therepy through work soon but its taking over and ive got a big day tomorrow. xx

09-05-16, 15:19
I can totally relate. Once I started the cycle of fear and anxiety over it I totally lost my appetite and just the thought of food made me feel sick. It was the back pain that really made me scared. Anxiety feeds on fear and once you've started the cycle it is hard to get out of it , I know. Just know that you would be in much worse shape if something sinister was wrong with you. We all get aches and pains but the unlucky ones of us with anxiety problems always think the worst. I think once you start to realize that it's just a passing symptom you will get your appetite back.

09-05-16, 15:23
Thanks for your advice, i really hope so as its so fustrating i've been good lately and i have such an important thing tomorrow. I am going the walk in centre tonight just because it feels like its my kidneys so if its that and back pain it may be infection, of which im prone to so just trying to remain level headed its just the suddenness of it that scares me. i thought i was over the worst o my HA. thank you xxx

09-05-16, 15:27
No problem, I also went to the doctor just to be sure too.. Always better to be safe than sorry . At least if it is an infection you can quickly get some antibiotics and knock it out. Hope all goes well.

09-05-16, 15:44
Thank you i will post what they say xxx

09-05-16, 17:12
Sensible to go and check out for kidney pain especially if you are prone to water/kidney infections.

If thats all clear then it could all be from you spine. The pain can come round your hips and under your ribs from your spine.

09-05-16, 22:27
So I went the walk in, they traced some infection in my urine sample have a 3 day course.
Then when I asked about the pain she said I could have an inflamed appendix and if it gets really bad call 999.......she barely touched me yet put the fear of God into me. I feel like I'm gonna experience pain any second and I'll die.
This pain has never been in the centre and I don't have a fever. It's just intermittent feels like it's going from front to back. I ate two sandwiches and a cake ok but I'm lying in bed nauseous but I'm questioning is it anxiety? Xxxx