View Full Version : Why do we make good news into bad news - personal life versus HA

09-05-16, 17:52
So as mention briefly before Im off to another country at the end of the year, massive opportunity and very excited. For a 25 year old who's barely out of Derby this is big.

But then there's the anxious Reb.

'What if I don't live to see it?' 'What if something awful happens to someone I know?'

I don't worry about work or money or language barriers but health of myself and others. Sigh.

I'm doing better. I am. I've avoided these sites which are at times triggers. Still waiting for CBT.

09-05-16, 18:30
I suppose it's just the way our brains have been used to thinking for so long that it just becomes habit. After thinking negatively for so long it's hard to keep them thoughts out. Sounds like you have a great opportunity in front of you and hopefully you can focus on the good that will come from it and not the "what ifs" .

09-05-16, 19:36
I know it. It's that I'm not so worried about one thing so Im worrying about what I'm going to worry about. It's this I can never push past.

---------- Post added at 19:36 ---------- Previous post was at 19:20 ----------

I've also lost aboit 3lbs and worried this means cancer aha

09-05-16, 20:48
Being anxious really messes up our metabolism. I think the only time to worry about weight loss is when it's unexplained , and yours appears to be from anxiety. Plus, 3 lbs is nothing. I've lost 15 in the last 2 months and my physical and blood work all came back great.

09-05-16, 20:54
Plus I haven't eaten much over past few days due to not liking food or smaller portions and my chap has moved closer to me so I've been walking more. Just a few months I though I was gaining weight.

Always been between 8st and 8.5lb and currently 8.15.

09-05-16, 21:11
Yeah , I never have an appetite when anxious. When my anxiety first came backna couple months ago I would go days without eating, if I tried it just tasted like cardboard and I'd fight to swallow. Try your best not to think negative, sounds to me like things are looking up for you.

09-05-16, 21:20
I always get to this point netminder, I'll be having a good few days and then that'll be a week and then a week and a bit and I'll realise I haven't worried. That itself triggers. It's like my anxious cretin had been on annual leave and comes back and throws four different worries at me; melanoma! Bowel cancer! Brain tumour! Heart attack! I fight the urge to google these things but days I do cave. I'll sometomes come across anew article of something I hadn't been concerned about and hey ho. New worry.

Thank you, I will push through.

---------- Post added at 21:20 ---------- Previous post was at 21:15 ----------

I also had blood work few weeks back and all was normal

09-05-16, 21:25
Yep. That's me. I am about to graduate, i have three wonderful job offers, i am currently doing a paid internship in a very good place with chances of staying there indefinitely.
Yet i am worried about barrets right now.
Is like i can't accept that good things can happen without any disastrous or catastrophic things happening after that :(

09-05-16, 21:44
Congrats on the graduation furret! What job offers do you have? X

09-05-16, 22:07
Thank you! I don't want to say where for fear that somehow someone can identify me, but let's say that i have three offers that you don't get without knowing someone inside who can help you get a job there. I received good advise and i got them thanks to my own effort, which is something big to say coming from someone who is really shy and anxious like me :P
It has given me tremendous confidence, yet i can't seem to shake the HA off. It makes it worse sometimes, i AM getting better at managing it but sometimes i just feel really overwhelmed by the monster that is health anxiety. Little by little i guess.

09-05-16, 22:33
Yup I get you! Whenever something good happens I'm like 'what's the catch' nice to meet you, are you new around here?

09-05-16, 22:52
"new" :P i've been lurking for the past two years, but sometimes you need to talk with people who are going through the same things as you. Thanks to reading this forum i haven't had a panic attack in two years! I hope to keep it that way :D