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View Full Version : pain in coccyx/tailbone?

09-05-16, 18:21
Over the last two weeks I've had this constant painful aching in my tailbone. It eases if I get up and move around, but gets worse after sitting down for a few hours and it's uncomfortable during the night, too. No injury or fall.

I work with computers so I'm sitting down maybe 7 hours in a row on a hard seat.

I'm hoping this is just a repetitive strain from sitting down and my weight being on my coccyx a lot. But I've never experienced this before, it's new, so I'm worried.

My mind keeps jumping to things like bone cancer, or maybe a cancer in another organ that has spread.

I have a lot of stomach/esophageal ulcers, and I haven't had a gastroscopy for almost a year now. So I'm worried perhaps I have stomach or eosophageal cancer and it's spreading to my bones. No other area of my spine is painful though. No other symptoms apart from stomach pain which I always have anyway.
I'm 23 and in pretty good health. Has anyone else experienced this pain?

09-05-16, 21:47
It's a very common pain and you can buy special cushions with the coccyx cut out to there is no pressure on that area.

Bone cancer is unremitting pain usually with nerve pain as well and at your age the chances of it being bone cancer are miniscule.

Try softer cushions or buy a special one and get up and walk around every hour or so and see if it improves.

09-05-16, 21:58
you can buy special cushions with the coccyx cut out to there is no pressure on that area.

Yep... sitting for 7 hours on a hard seat will do that to you! When I lost a lot of weight from my treatments, I had no cushion left if you know what I mean. I bought one of those cushions and it really helped.

Positive thoughts

09-05-16, 21:59
If you're talking about the bone around your bum, it could've been caused by sitting in a weird posture. Maintaining great posture on your computer is key to preventing little things like this. Just think of this as something like growing pains. This happens with all your other bones so I'm sure it's normal