View Full Version : Armpit Lump, Can't Get A Diagnosis?!

09-05-16, 19:10
I was sick almost two and a half months ago and I noticed a lump in my armpit, I ignored it because I knew I was sick and it had turned into bronchitis so I assumed it was just from my chest congestion/inflammation. Here I am two and a half months later and it's still there. It 'wax and wanes', sometimes being hard to feel and other times being very prominent. It also aches and when it's swollen it's firm-ish but it's soft for the most part and never hard. It's pretty large, ranging from the width of one finger to the width of two fingers. From a grape to a golfball. It can never really be seen on the outside though, it doesn't create a visible lump just a feelable one. I know I'm not making this up, it's achy and I can feel a distinct lump. Also, I had a chest x ray and an armpit ultrasound and both found nothing. Blood tests came back normal. Three people tried to find it on the ultrasound but there was nothing there. I know that should be relieving to me but it's concerning and confusing because I can reach down and feel a big achy lump, yet nothing comes up? How is that possible? I just want to know what it is, I can't do this any longer I'm torturing myself.

24-05-16, 09:45
Is it possible it's hormonal ?