View Full Version : Back to breast cancer fear

09-05-16, 21:16
I've had this fear for a couple of years had an ultrasound about 18 months ago which was clear and then seen the breast clinic in February who said all was OK and nothing to worry about breast cancer wise. I was so good after that but I've had pain again today and the fear is back. Im scared to examine in case i feel something and panic. I go on holiday at the end of June and i don't want to be worrying about this as I've had worry's like this ruin holiday's before. Do u think i could have it if I've not long been seen at the breast clinic?

10-05-16, 15:45
Can anyone calm my thoughts

10-05-16, 16:05
Pain is rarely a sign of breast cancer. You should feel reassured by the breast clinic.

10-05-16, 16:07
No I don't think so. And having pain doesn't signal Breast cancer. Women often have painful breasts and it's usualy due to hormone fluctuation.
They are really good at Breast Clinics and are careful with their screening. If you were there in February and had an all clear then you have no cause to be anxious.
It's probably the pain that triggered your anxiety. Don't worry about it. Wear looser underwear. It'll be gone long before you go on holiday.

10-05-16, 16:13
I remember your last holiday, do you? You had this huge fear leading up to the holiday, once you were away all your symptoms went away.

11-05-16, 06:29
Jessicasmummy, I think the real issue is the holiday.
Just take a few moments and ask yourself what is going on around you. Will going on holidays give you more work to do? will you have to meet new people? Things like that. I truly do not think you have BC. I really think this is an issue where you internalize your fears so instead of thinking rationally you are more tuned into your body and its sensations. You are fine.