View Full Version : Anxiety worse In AM and during the day

10-05-16, 01:41
Why is my anxiety so much worse in the morning and during the day?
Seems to settle down at night.
Have had this pattern for many months.
Please help if you can.

10-05-16, 01:54
I've heard it has to do with our cortisol levels being highest in the morning. I'm the same way, makes me not want to go bed at night because I dread the anxiety that is sure to come in the morning.

10-05-16, 02:06
Me too.
I just wish I could find a way to wake up feeling calm.
I never used to have any trouble with this, but since I have been suffering with anxiety it will not let go.
I can't nap anymore either, and once I'm awake in the morning that's it for the entire day, usually 15-17 hours!
Does it ever end?

10-05-16, 02:13
I wish I could tell you as I'm going through the exact same right now. It seems before I even open my eyes I am thinking about the anxiety and that there might just be what even triggers it. It's like it's just expected by brain now that it's going to happen and you sound like maybe the same. My doctor put me on fluoxetine which I've only been on for three weeks now but the mornings are seeming a little better but I've heard they take longer to take effect so it might just be my brain believing it is working. I know what you mean by napping too, I just toss and turn and never really sleep, just worry for some unknown reason. Have you been to the doctor about your anxiety?

10-05-16, 02:18
Oh yes, thank-you.
I have tried many meds and have been in therapy for the past few years.
I just don't know when it will end.
I think we could be very rich if we could ever come up with a cure for this awful affliction.
Let's put our thinking caps on eh?

10-05-16, 02:23
I wish there was a cure-all. Sign me up if you find one. It's crazy because I had this many years ago and then it did go away, then just recently it started straight back up all of a sudden... Like a switch was turned on. Wish that same switch would turn itself back off. Until then I suppose all we can do is share our experiences here.

10-05-16, 02:44
Yes and hopefully someone will have an answer.

11-05-16, 13:18
I am the same as you guys , the waking anxiety is the worts ever X

This to shall pass ..... One day