View Full Version : New member

02-10-04, 13:02
I am so pleased to have found this forum and the no more panic web site. I have suffered from anxiety and panic for years on and off, but recently I have had disturbing obsessive and irrational thoughts. It was a relief to read about the many kinds of obsessions people have on the web site, and to realise that I am not mad or a horrible monster.
I hope the thoughts will stop one day as they are upsetting.
I live in hope.
Take care

02-10-04, 13:14
Hi Frances

Welcome to the site. I am pleased what you have read so far as helped you realise that you are not alone how you are feeling.

The horrible thoughts are my worst thing about the anxiety and it has taken me a long time to understand them and now on bad days all my irrational thinking goes out of the window.

Love Sal xxxxx

02-10-04, 13:31
Hi Frances

Welcome to the site. It certainly helps when we realise we are no alone in feeling the way we do.

You will find a lot of support here.


02-10-04, 14:04
Hi Frances ,

Welcome to the NMP message board. Glad to read you've taken time to read the sites pages too .

**It was a relief to read about the many kinds of obsessions people have on the web site, and to realise that I am not mad or a horrible monster. **
These can be so limiting as the fear spreads about what these might mean or turn out to be . Glad you've read and understood that they are thoughts not instructions and actually don't mean anything at all.

*I hope the thoughts will stop one day as they are upsetting.*
You have to train them to be superceeded by other rational thought processes.

Try this ..
Thoughts : Lets try to keep our thoughts in perspective (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=283)

Do tell us a bit more about yourself and what help you've had to date .


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

02-10-04, 15:00
Thanks so much for the replies. I've been feeling so isolated, as if I'm the only person whose mind behaves so weirdly. It's such a relief to know I'm not alone.

I'll drop in regularly.
Take care

02-10-04, 15:20
Hi Frances

No need to feel isolated anymore as we will always be happy to help you.

Take care.

Love Sal xxxxx

02-10-04, 15:39
Hi Frances,

Welcome to the site!! I'm sure you will find loads of advice and support here!!

Sarah :D

02-10-04, 16:22
Hi Frances

Welcome aboard. Glad you have found the website some help. You will get loads more of support here too.


02-10-04, 17:14
hiya frances

welcome to the forum, i hate those horrible thoughts u get when suffering anxiety, they hurt inside

anyway i hoep ur feeling alot better today

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

02-10-04, 20:43
Hello Frances.

Welcome to the site,
It,s not easy changing the way we think but with alot of hard work suppport and time, anything is possible.
You will get alot of support here.



May your troubles be less
and your blessings be more
and nothing but happiness
come through you door..

02-10-04, 23:20
Hi Frances

Hope you are doing ok and dont forget we are all here to support you.

Love Sal xxxxx

03-10-04, 10:23
Hi Frances!

Welcome! Youre in the right place!

Love Minny..xx

03-10-04, 23:40
Hi Frances

How has your weekend been?

Love Sal xxxxx

05-10-04, 00:32
Hi Frances

Have just replied to your post to Caitlyn and can totally appreciate and understand how you feel. At times with my anxiety i can cope with that but not the thoughts i get and how many times i have told friends that i would prefer to be not here than think how i do and they have supported me. That support was great but it didnt take the thoughts away. I am starting to accept them but in no way have i come to terms with why i get them.

I always question why i could think such bad things and only my closest friends know what i think and even then it was hard to admit.

Meg gave me advice and it made so much sence to remember the first thought is a thought it is when the second thought continues.

Just remember like i do that thoughts are thoughts and they are not actions.

Love Sal xxxxx

05-10-04, 18:45

So glad to have found this website. I have been suffering with panic and anxiety for over a year now, and find the website a huge help. Such a relief to realise its not just me!
Going through bad patch at mo, and am finding it hard getting kids into playground, as have had a PA there before. Any suggestions?


07-10-04, 01:16
This is happening to me a lot and I also have no one else around to take my lilun to school so I just grin and bear it, if I feel the panic coming on I just carry on because im not avoiding the situation it doesnt last too long, I try to keep rational about it I say to myself 'I know its happening, it wont kill you' its what works for me....shame were not all the same isnt it? The only advice I have is try to avoid the avoidance as that is what lead to my agraphobia in the past. xxx

07-10-04, 18:13
You're absolutely right C141re . Well done for perservering .


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

08-10-04, 00:18
Hi Frances

So many replies would be good to hear how you are getting on.

Take care until we hear from you.

Love Sal xxxxx