View Full Version : Can alcohol reduce Diazepam withdrawal symptoms?

10-05-16, 12:13
Can alcohol reduce Diazepam withdrawal symptoms?

10-05-16, 13:10
There are interactions between them, you can add even more side effects.

If you are in withdrawal from Diazepam you need to consult your GP quickly and they can attempt to stabilise the dependence and then they can structure a safe withdrawal later.

Alcohol to counter this withdrawal is a really bad idea and potentially there could be dangers depending on the volumes involved. Seek a GP's help to sort the dependence.

11-05-16, 00:40
Years ago I broke my neck and the Dr put me on 90mg Diazepam/day as a muscle relaxant.
I got highly addicted and did use alcohol to get off it but it's not something I'd recommend.

11-05-16, 04:40
Years ago I broke my neck and the Dr put me on 90mg Diazepam/day as a muscle relaxant.
I got highly addicted and did use alcohol to get off it but it's not something I'd recommend.

The OP has deleted the other thread and I think he mentioned beating alcohol addiction in the past (well done for that) so that's a very good reason not to go anywhere near the stuff.

If his GP has that on his file, they should be very carefully monitoring any Benzo prescription. Guidelines state not to issue Pregabalin to patients with a past of substance abuse and that's nowhere near Benzo's! It sounds like there is some questionable behaviour by his GP's here.

11-05-16, 06:45
Some GPs have no idea.
I just took the 90mg as advised without question and suffered for it.
There was no internet back then.

11-05-16, 07:40
That must have put you well out of it, Phill?!!! That's a massive dose.

Very true, the internet gets a lot of bad comments over Dr Google but it does a lot of good too for information to tackle ignorance in health services...that and bluffs & lies too. :winks:

11-05-16, 10:50
90 diazepam!!!!! A day!!!

Wow, that would have completely knocked you out. Sorry you had that experience as coming off must have been hell :(

12-05-16, 04:56
90 diazepam!!!!! A day!!!

Wow, that would have completely knocked you out. Sorry you had that experience as coming off must have been hell :(

Funny but I didn't feel much from it until I tried to stop