View Full Version : So up and down - bah!

10-05-16, 13:22
So, I'm just going into week 7 on 10mg Citalopram and I'm finding I'm having periods of normality interspersed with periods of anxiety and depression.

This morning I felt like s***, but after I got up I was back to normal after about half an hour and at the moment I feel great but that could all change by this afternoon when I could be back down low again until the evening when I suddenly brighten up. I was never like this before the citalopram, I was just bloody miserable all day every day. Could this be a subtle sign that the citalopram might actually be starting to help me?

Appetite is better, sleep is still a bit hit and miss but I'm getting a good 5-6 hrs per night now which is a great improvement on what I was getting before - which was virtually nil!

I have my review on Monday - I'm still not certain what to do about increasing my dose. Do I go for it, or do I stick with the 10mg for now and see what happens?

10-05-16, 14:27
Mojo I will say you sound better in your posts then you did a couple of weeks ago. Recovery comes in waves, so if your having an hour, several hours or a day of feeling good those will eventually start to increase into more good days and the bad days will be less and less.....

I am going through the same I had a good day on Sunday, yesterday was horrible and today I am so so.

Hang in there I know it feels like they are never going to work but they will :bighug1:

10-05-16, 14:41
Thank you my friend, that is just what I wanted to hear!

I've never taken antidepressants before so I don't know what to expect. Lol, I got the impression that after popping a few pills I would be back to normal; boy was I wrong on that one :doh:

I'm glad to hear you are having a similar experience because that means yours must be working too - whoopee!!! :bighug1:

11-05-16, 10:36
It sounds like you've turned a corner Mojo :)
Try and stay positive if your mood dips again and tell yourself "Well, I'm feeling bad now but I know I'll be feeling good again in a few hours" once I could say this with absolute confidence, I knew I was well on my way to beating it. Once you aren't scared or worried of the bad moments they have no power over you and you stop caring x

11-05-16, 12:03
Thanks Suzie. As predicted having a down morning today lol. Woke up feeling exhausted so stayed in bed (not recommended) Now I need to get up and moving before the day is gone. Just can't win ��

11-05-16, 13:38
The fact that you feel normal is absolutely a good thing. When I first started taking Citalopram, I was definitely more down than up, BUT I did recognize when I was having my "up" moments and told myself "if I can feel like this now, there will probably be a time where this feeling is more constant." I held on to those moments, and you should as well. You're on the right path for recognizing your good vs bad times. :)

11-05-16, 13:58
Thanks Dani. It is horrible because you never know what the following day will bring so it is difficult to plan anything. I'm fed up with this HRT too, been bleeding constantly for a month now and apparantly it can take up to 6 months for it to stop. Forget it, I'm not putting up with another 3 months of bleeding, pain and feeling sick. I'd rather do without.

11-05-16, 14:05
Thanks Dani. It is horrible because you never know what the following day will bring so it is difficult to plan anything. I'm fed up with this HRT too, been bleeding constantly for a month now and apparantly it can take up to 6 months for it to stop. Forget it, I'm not putting up with another 3 months of bleeding, pain and feeling sick. I'd rather do without.

I know you answered this before, but i forgot. Are you post menopausal? If so then why are you bleeding?

11-05-16, 18:51
It was caused by the HRT patches I'm using.

11-05-16, 19:04
So what are you going to do? That seems not right that you are bleeding.

11-05-16, 19:19
Well it is supposedly very common and can take 6 months to settle down. It started when I forgot to change my patch on the correct day, and that was a month ago. The doctor said if it doesn't stop then I will have to go for a scan. Great! :(

11-05-16, 20:17
Hi, i was on cit for 4 weeks 10mg. Went doc for review and she said lets get you up to the therapeutic dose of 20mg.. i said do i need too and she said yes.. 10mg will do nothing for you apart from make it easier to adjust to the 20mg. oh!! i wish i hadnt wasted my time at 10mg for 4 weeks. so now i am 4 weeks at 20mg.. some improvement but not right. Apparently i should see a change around the 6- 8 week mark or even 12.. gosh its such a long journey:( I guess everyone is different.. keep strong. x

11-05-16, 21:03
Hi, i was on cit for 4 weeks 10mg. Went doc for review and she said lets get you up to the therapeutic dose of 20mg.. i said do i need too and she said yes.. 10mg will do nothing for you apart from make it easier to adjust to the 20mg. oh!! i wish i hadnt wasted my time at 10mg for 4 weeks. so now i am 4 weeks at 20mg.. some improvement but not right. Apparently i should see a change around the 6- 8 week mark or even 12.. gosh its such a long journey:( I guess everyone is different.. keep strong. x

Polly i was on cit 2 weeks @ 10mg and now I am on day 37 @ 20mg. I am just starting to see some improvement. I was on cit before and it was a good 8+ weeks before my depression and anxiety was completely gone. My dad seems to think I am doing better, but I don't really feel/see it.

Just keep going it is a long journey and its sucks we all have to suffer through all this, but I hope we all get through this on the other side in a few more weeks. :bighug1:

---------- Post added at 20:03 ---------- Previous post was at 20:01 ----------

Well it is supposedly very common and can take 6 months to settle down. It started when I forgot to change my patch on the correct day, and that was a month ago. The doctor said if it doesn't stop then I will have to go for a scan. Great! :(

Ohhh gotcha!!! Why would you have to go for a scan if they know its from the HRT? What would they be scanning for? :ohmy:

11-05-16, 21:46
I think 10mg does do a lot for some people - it certainly has for me :)

11-05-16, 21:50
Thanks Victory and i think you are right Suzie that the 10mg does work for some.. Hugs to all x

11-05-16, 21:56
Hi mojo, how are you this evening?