View Full Version : Flying tonight so scared

10-05-16, 15:30
Been on holiday been nerves wreak all week panick attacks and anxious all week can't wait to get home
But so
Worried about flying wen o came I got drunk couldn't member thing think might do the same

10-05-16, 16:12
I don't like flying either. I usually close my eyes and pretend I'm in a big bus. Get something to keep you occupied. Getting drunk means you'll feel awful when you arrive at your destination. Do you have any medication or Rescue?

10-05-16, 16:31
I'm very weak person don't mind feel bit crappy as il be at home with all my family plus have loads to do no never worked for me I took 10mg diasapam

11-05-16, 10:17
Sorry it ruined your Holiday. I struggle with fear of flying too. I'm better now with Sertraline, and I have to say that benzodiazepam is a life saver for me. I take it, and I feel completely normal and enjoy the flight. BUT it doesn't solve the anxiety of expectation. With sertraline I even have glimpses of looking forward to a trip.

11-05-16, 10:30
What Beckybecks says - when you're in it, trick yourself into feeling like you're somewhere else.

Take connect 4 and play the person next to you. You're not "in a plane" you're playing connect 4 - because that's what you're thinking about.

Close the window - you're on a coach travelling across, somewhere... more fun than where you are.

You can do it when you day dream can't you. So you CAN drift off and picture you're somewhere else. You're only in a plane if you're constantly thinking "oh poo, I'm in a plane!" Stop thinking about it. Do something else and only think about that. "This COACH is comfy isn't it ? Not a bad place to spend a few hours. "