View Full Version : Tired, drained, weak and hungry

10-05-16, 15:31
I'm concerned about a type of hunger that seems to be with me nearly every minute of the day even if I eat regular normal meals and snacks, and I feel increasingly tired and drained, Dr has given me an anti acid tablet but it seems to make no difference, is there any advice?

10-05-16, 16:10
If you suffer from anxiety, it could be your adrenaline levels. I often confuse this with hunger pains. I often have a long walk to try and work off the adrenaline.

10-05-16, 16:30
Can you have permanent adrenaline levels?

10-05-16, 17:21
Are you taking any other medication?

10-05-16, 17:25
I'm taking venlafaxine but have been for some months x

10-05-16, 18:02
If you mean permanently high adrenaline levels, I don't think so. But they could be high for as long as you are suffering from anxiety

10-05-16, 18:09
Just wondered if the adrenaline could be making me hungry all the time or is it another stress hormone?

10-05-16, 18:17
I don't know for sure which stress hormone it is.
I was told by someone on this forum that it's due to excess adrenaline and it will go in time, which it does, once my anxiety dies down.
It's strange because when I'm really anxious or in panic mode my appetite disappears entirely, then there's a surge of relief which brings with it a feeling iof euphoria almost, like excitement, and this sometimes gets confused with hunger pangs.
Are you very anxious at this time, or were you anxious before the feeling of hunger started?