View Full Version : Four Weeks

10-05-16, 18:22
Hi all! I had my four week follow up this morning. I went from 18 (severe anxiety) to 10 (mild anxiety) on the scale after my doctor asked me some questions. It took me four weeks to get to a place where I can get through a day without crying or thinking horrible thoughts. They still come and go, as they are wont to do, but the fact that it's not constant gives me hope. She said I'm "basically right on schedule" with seeing improvement, and reaffirmed that it's 6-8 weeks before seeing any major improvement. I go back in two months for another follow up.

Here's to hoping! I hope everyone else is doing well!

10-05-16, 19:59
Oh that's fantastic news. I'm so pleased for you! :yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

11-05-16, 13:40
Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to continuing to hear about everyone else's progress too! :)

11-05-16, 14:08
Yahooo tha is awesome!!!! Glad you are feeling much better. :yesyes::yahoo::bighug1::D