View Full Version : Thighs so Heavy! And Hot Flashes!

11-05-16, 02:13
37 y.o. male here.

Off and on for about the past 18 months, I've been having moments here and there where the front of my thighs feel like lead. It's almost like I'm not sure they're going to take the next step. They always do of course, and it's actually better when I'm up walking already, but when I'm sitting, they feel so heavy, and I think, "You're going to try to stand up, but end up tipping over!" Of course I started thinking about MS or ALS, and didn't come up with much for ALS, but there it was "Heavy legs" under several searches about symptoms for MS. It's not my whole leg, and it's not even my whole thigh-just the front, and mostly the area just above the knee. I will also mention that I'm about 35 lbs overweight and terribly out of shape.

I keep hoping it's just anxiety. Anyone else experience this?

Also, I've recently been having these really hot "flashes." I don't have a temp, and I don't even break a sweat, but for 5-15 minutes at a time...randomly, or when the room I'm in is a *bit* hot, I feel like there's a heater inside me...mostly across my back or upper arms.

By the way....extreme sensitivity to heat is also listed occasionally as an early warning sign of MS.

Can anyone convince me this is just anxiety?
