View Full Version : PLEASE HELP - Just Came Back From Hospital - My Worst Anxiety Attack Ever?

11-05-16, 12:19
Ok. So I suffer from severe health anxiety mainly about my heart (been going to cardiologists for three years now). My GP talked me into trying Escitalopram (Lexapro) for my anxiety even though I don't suffer from depression.

Yesterday I ingested my first dose (10 mg). Half an hour later I EXPERIENCED AN INTENSE PALPITATION WHEN I STOOD UP. It was very strong with a full two second pause. I immediately went to my kitchen to drink some water and I started feeling very lightheaded. Everything started sounding very odd; like I was in a dream. It was the same feeling you get when you have been blowing too hard (like blowing up a balloon). I started feeling like I was going to collapse and I immediately went into my room and looked up the side effects of Lexapro. One of the side effects mentioned was prolongation of the QT interval of the heart which increases the risk of sudden cardiac death.

I immediately hooked myself up to my pulse meter which showed two ectopics right then and there. I thought my heart was starting to go into ventricular fibrillation and my lightheadedness got worse. I thought this was it, it is finally happening, I am going to die today. I managed to rush to my phone and call an ambulance. I don't even remember doing this I was in such a panic.

They did all the standard testing in the emergency room and they couldn't find any serious issues even though they made a mention of some ectopics. The emergency physician said a panic attack caused my symptoms however I was not anxious before I started getting lightheaded.

Has anybody experienced sudden lightheadedness without any anxiety. In the past I have gotten anxious and experienced the classic symptoms of an anxiety attack. However this time I got lightheaded without any accompanying anxiety. Also the fact I experienced a PVC right before my attack tells me my heart rhythm momentarily destabilised possibly causing me to feel lightheaded.

I also used to suffer from POTS, a form of autonomic dysfunction but I still have residual symptoms even to this day. I've been told my dysautonomia is the cause for my cardiac related symptoms but I am no longer convinced.

Could anxiety have caused this episode?

11-05-16, 13:05
Could anxiety have caused this episode?

IMO, yes. Remember, anxiety is like a campfire. When you're really anxious, the flames are burning bright. When you feel calmer, you still have a bed of hot coals waiting to ignite anything thrown on it. The fuel? The palps you've felt a thousand times before combined with a new med you probably aren't keen on taking combined with Dr. Google and BAM! BIG panic attack!

Positive thoughts