View Full Version : GAD and OCD

11-05-16, 14:24
I posted this on the OCD Forum but I suffer from GAD too and know both feed of each other.

I think as OCD sufferers we can see the Logic for not believing our thoughts but it is harder to do.

I have been made redundant and have started to apply for Jobs and now my OCD is making it very tough and causing a lot of Anxiety.

Now if I apply for a Job I get a lot of really bad thoughts going through my mind especially as it knows I am close to clicking the Apply now button and my mind asks for really bad things to happen and if at the time when I click apply to the Job I get a bad thought or ask for something bad to happen I get really anxious and think its not worth the risk and withdraw the application or even hope I don't get the Job.

This also happens when I buy something if I ask or get a really bad thought as the item goes through the till I have to take it back as the thought or what I ask for is the worst thing possible.

I don't usually get many replies to any OCD questions I ask but really do need to talk to similar suffering people to be able to make sense of this.

Anybody else get this or similar and overcome it. I know CBT is the answer that most would suggest and I am on a waiting list although the last time I tried that it did not work out.

Also has anyone got any suggestions where I can get more Help and talk to someone who understands OCD. I feel even if I understand the Logic I am still attracting negative energy and might cause the worse to happen.

My mind pretty much asks God for bad things.. Really distressing.

I appreciate any Help .. I want to help too :)

11-05-16, 15:11
Maybe not quite the way you feel but I am always looking for the bad in things as well. The times I start feeling well I start thinking about my panic attacks and anxiety and then that kick-starts them. It's really hard to train your brain to think positive and keep the bad thoughts out, I'm still looking for the way.

12-05-16, 06:05
Thanks for the reply @netminder1976 it's like we have trained our brains to be this way and slowly need to re train them now but yes it is really hard.