View Full Version : Anxiety vs antisocial

11-05-16, 15:53
I was a only child until I was 12. Lived on the country so really the only friends I had to play with are my cousins. Never had a lot of friends in school. Don't have any friends now except my husbands. I'm just thinking about if it's my anxiety that causes me to be anti social or if it's the way I was raised. I don't hate not having friends. I never feel lonely. I have my family and that's good enough for me. But if I didn't have anxiety would I like to go out and do stuff? I had a time in my late teen and early 20s when I was outgoing. Went out partying every night and was never home. If I didn't have anxiety would I want to go on dates with my husband or would I just want to stay home like I do now? I feel like these are questions that will never be answered. My happy place is home. I feel awkward when I'm out doing something. I can't wait to get back home. I have come along way with my anxiety over the past year. I feel like I could handle going to a movie with my hubs but I just don't wanna. But is that my anxiety fears stopping me? this is something that's been on my mind for the past few days making my question a lot of my life right now.