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View Full Version : Just as I think I'm getting better - new symptoms

11-05-16, 17:09
Just as I thought I was getting over my health anxiety it comes back.

I take the mini pill and today I went to the doctor to get put on a different type. When I got back I read through the leaflet I read that it said loss of vision or blurred vision could be a blood clot.

The last few days my eye sight has been a bit weird, sometimes a bit blurry and generally a bit odd - it's hard to describe. I have also been a bit headachy which I'm guessing could be the reason but then I keep on worrying it could be a blood clot which I know is stupid because if it was a blood clot then it probably would be a bit more dramatic than it is.

I know I haven't started this packet yet but I had been on a different one for the last 6 months which is why I'm worrying.

11-05-16, 17:32
Let me get this straight. You've been put on a new pill that the side effects listed in the leaflet said if you experience vision issues it could be a blood clot. You've not actually taken the pill yet and are afraid it's causing the symptoms you're experiencing? (and yes, a blood clot would put you out or in the hospital).

Positive thoughts

11-05-16, 18:52
I've been on a different contraceptive and just started a new one today but the symptoms are on the leaflet for the old pills I've been taking for the last 6 months - I think I've confused myself as well!