View Full Version : Convinced I have lung cancer!!! Have all the symptoms.

11-05-16, 19:42
Hello everyone,

I guess I'm looking for a bit of reassurance or some advice with my situation. I am a 23 year old female.

For the past 9 months I have had a hacking cough that won't leave me alone. Sometimes the cough is dry and other times a small amount of clear, thick mucus (occasionally tinged with blood) comes out. From the second I wake up until I go to bed I have this constant urge to cough.

I also get tired extremely easily which is unusual because I was a serious ballet dancer for 12 years. Now even slight exertion like walking up a small flight of steps leaves me completely winded. Laughing leaves me short of breath as if I just ran a mile. Since this has started, I've been limiting activities in my life to avoid feeling exhausted which just makes me feel even more depressed about what's happening to me.

On top of this, I have a constant uncomfortable sensation in my left lung area. It's not painful but it feels noticeably heavy. I've lost about 8-10 pounds in a couple of months without trying, and although I've always been thin, I'm down to 102 pounds at 5'5". I feel and look sick in every way.

I have been checked for lung infections, asthma, acid reflux, pneumonia, tuberculosis and they have all come back negative. From research, it looks like this only leaves lung cancer as an option. Yesterday I got a CT scan and I have been so anxious awaiting the results. I know advanced lung cancer is basically a death sentence and I'm afraid to die so young.

My dad was diagnosed with colon cancer last week and I know if my dad and I both have cancer it will completely destroy my family. My mom and little sister will be devastated with the news and I would feel so guilty burdening my family with more sadness and stress.

How do I cope???

11-05-16, 20:55
I'm sorry you are having such a hard time, anxiety is awful.
Your age and the fact you are female are in your favor.
I hope you don't have to wait too long for your results.

11-05-16, 21:10
Hi Jasxo,

I'm a survivor so I know all about the waiting. That Tom Petty song always comes to mind. That being said, there's a saying among warriors and survivors... "It's not cancer until they say it is".

You have many factors that are in your favor, one of which is your age. It's practically unheard of in young people. IMO, what you describe frankly doesn't present as cancer. 8 pounds in 3 months is not considered "drastic" weight loss and in the 9 months you've been experiencing symptoms, they would have worsened considerably as most lung cancers are quite aggressive. All tests thus far are negative which again bodes quite well. There's also the fact that you're posting about this on an anxiety forum so the mental aspect certainly is at play here. Your father having cancer also may have something to do with your fear. Lastly, you don't mention if you're a smoker but if so... no brainer... STOP!

Let us know what the results are and best wishes to your Dad.

Positive thoughts

11-05-16, 22:52
Lung cancer symptoms typically present in stage 3 or 4. If you were stage 4 you would be very ill now. My GF's mum presented with symptoms and within a month could only climb a flight of stairs once a day. It's a very aggressive cancer.

After 9 months I think you would be experiencing a lot more with an aggressive cancer like this.

Captain irrational
12-05-16, 00:00
As has been said, lung cancer is extremely rare in people of your age, so there is a very high chance that this is not the cause of your problems.

Secondly, extreme stress and anxiety can cause every symptom you are experiencing. There is such a thing called a "nervous cough", which is a fairly common physical symptom of anxiety, it can be pretty nasty and can persist for very long periods.

Wishing you the best of luck and fingers crossed for good results from your scan.

12-05-16, 04:14
You have many factors that are in your favor, one of which is your age. It's practically unheard of in young people. IMO, what you describe frankly doesn't present as cancer. 8 pounds in 3 months is not considered "drastic" weight loss and in the 9 months you've been experiencing symptoms, they would have worsened considerably as most lung cancers are quite aggressive. All tests thus far are negative which again bodes quite well. There's also the fact that you're posting about this on an anxiety forum so the mental aspect certainly is at play here. Your father having cancer also may have something to do with your fear. Lastly, you don't mention if you're a smoker but if so... no brainer... STOP!

Let us know what the results are and best wishes to your Dad.

Thanks for the responses so far. There are some wonderful people on this forum.

I know it is quite rare in young non-smokers, but the reason I'm nervous is because we've ruled out basically everything besides cancer. I don't know what else would be causing a 9 month cough, intolerance of physical activity and constant chest discomfort. I'm thinking there's a possibility it may have metastasized from elsewhere which is equally as frightening.

I don't want to get too ahead of myself and self-diagnose but I just have this sense that something scary is going on with my body. I feel so drained of energy just getting out of bed. I will update with my results when I get them. Trying to stay calm!!

12-05-16, 04:37
Please let us know what happens! Wishing you the best of health :)

Again, lung cancer would be extremely rare and 9 months with a cough is just too long to go with a disease like that. You would have been doing a lot more poorly by now. I am sure there is a more benign cause to your worries.

12-05-16, 04:48
With the smokers version of lung cancer it's uncommon even in the age ranges where cancer is more prevalent according to the team treating my GF's mum.


Constant coughing can cause blood and it can be as simple as dryness/irritation or minor blood vessels rupturing. You can get this with colds.

Mucus is an inflammatory response so that could be getting triggered something.

If it had metastasised you would be very ill. That's the stage my GF mum is in and she is responding well but they had to get a wheelchair to take her out. The level of exhaustion she feels is very bad. Exhaustion can bad with mental health problems too and conditions like asthma can cause fatigue.

12-05-16, 18:48
from personal exp everything you describe sounds like my exp

trouble breathing, tired, dry cough, heaviness in my chest and lung area oh and i couldnt stop yawning to save my life
turned out to be hyper ventilation
i learned that you can HV without knowing it and what happens when you HV? you're stressing out your lungs and chest

a simple test my psych doc had me count my breathing for one min turns out i was breathing at twice the rate of what is considered to be normal

if you breathe from your chest instead of your belly itll really make things worse
i learned 4,5,7 meaning inhale for 4 sec exhale for 5 then hold my breath for 7 secs that sounded crazy to me but it was a real adjustment but it worked
i can catch myself HV now, i relax and slow it down
the pains and everything mentioned above goes away within an hr or so sometimes even less

16-05-16, 04:18
Coughed up more blood today and feeling very faint and weak. My left shoulder has also been aching like crazy for the past 3 days. Shouldn't have researched that because it's apparently another symptom of lung cancer. Go figure.

I really feel like something serious is wrong with me.

16-05-16, 05:32
When do you get your results? Surely they would have them by now?

18-05-16, 08:04
Have you got your results? How are you?

23-05-16, 11:01
Hey Jaxso - how are you feeling - did you get your results?

Sending good vibes.

23-05-16, 14:08
I had similar, for months. Get tested for asthma. I had no wheezing, but the cough variant type. A few weeks on the inhaler cleared it up, after MONTHS of coughing and chest tightness.

02-06-16, 07:00
Just wondering if you had any results yet?

02-06-16, 09:18
Have you had a chest xray?