View Full Version : Help help help.

11-05-16, 21:55
Im struggling so much with this health anxiety I can't take anymore . I ended up in hospital Monday over chest pains and arm pain again had ecg ,chest xray and bloods and all normal so was allowed home. Today I went to my gp over leg pain and convincing myself it was a clot he checked it out for me he squeezed it ,measured it and other things and said he would put a million pounds on it that there was no clot at all in my leg . But tonight im lying in bed with pain in leg and still convincing myself it a clot and he missed it because just had weird sensation in heart area which has scared me so convinced something terrible going to happen even though I got heart tests Monday ..it never stops . How do I trust the doctor he was very confident that had no clot in leg but im doubting him . Im so bloody scared. Plus my gp listened to my lungs and heart and checked blood pressure and said everything fine.

11-05-16, 22:13
ella I can only suggest printing of a summary of your posts on here to show your therapist how much of an effect this is having on your life and the number of hospital and gp visits it is causing.

11-05-16, 22:18
She knows about it all because I tell her everything because she can't help me if I don't. Xxx

Gary A
11-05-16, 22:47
My father suffered a heart attack a week ago on Monday, and I can assure you, if you were having one or at any risk of one, especially after the extensive testing you've recieved, your doctors would know about it.

My father was experiencing crushing chest pain to the point he couldn't even talk, he was pale, sweaty and weak. I knew the second I saw him that he was smack bang in the middle of a heart attack. The paramedics who arrived were in no doubt either, he was rushed to hospital and recieved treatment instantly.

Trust me, doctors don't mess around if they think you are having a heart attack or are at risk of one. Please, for goodness sake, try to stop this needless fretting and get on with your life.

My dad survived and is hopefully making a good recovery, but in the meantime he's a shadow of his former self and it is breaking my heart to see him like this. Be thankful that you have had every test under the sun and for goodness sake, get on with it.

12-05-16, 04:37
Im thinking all the aches and pains you're having are from muscle tension. I'm guilty of that myself sometimes but recognize it for what it is. Anxiety causes hypersensitivity so any slight normal pain feels amplified, then you focus on that area and cause it to tense up, making it all much worse.

Don't google every little jab of pain or spasm. Don't run to post here every time something in you feels weird. We are human, perfectly imperfect. Well all feel these pains, aches, spasm.

Your are perfectly normal.

Do you paint, or draw? Listen to music? When you feel these anxiety attack coming on, delving into your favorite hobby ALWAYS helps.