View Full Version : Time for me to leave

11-03-07, 13:21

After a lot of consideration Ive decided to leave NMP site - this has been a lifeline and I hope Ive given back some hope and inspiration to others and together we can all get through this. I was finding myself obessessed with coming on here reading about anxiety and trying to give back some inspiration but it becomes part of your daily life. This for me is not beneficial and was actually causing me to stay in "anxiety thinking" and not moving on.

My personal life has changed dramatically now - for the better - and the fears that have made my life hell for the past 10 years have nearly diminished. Anxiety no longer rules my every thought 24/7. For the people who know my personal circumstances then they will know what Im talking about - Im now at peace and Im living a relatively normal life.

I do strongly believe that acceptance and positive thoughts is the way forward and challenging yourself every day. Life is for living and Im determined to continue to face my fears and enjoy each peaceful moment and cherish the quiet times.

My thoughts are with you all, but for me recovery is letting go and moving onwards.

Good luck to everyone and know in your heart that recovery can be possible - never give up. Never underestimate the inner strength and courage that each one of us has inside us - somewhere deep but its there.

Love always

Darkangel x

11-03-07, 13:38

Aww we will miss you but completely understand that it is time to move on:yesyes:

I wish you all the best in the world and thank you for the support you have given me on here as well.:hugs:

Take care and good luck with your future. We are always here if you want to pop back at anytime

11-03-07, 13:44
You've been a pleasure and an inspiration to know and I totally understand your reasons for wanting to move on.

We are always here, so if ever you feel you want to pop back on to let us know how you are doing, then that would be fab. :D

All the very best for a very happy low anxiety future :D

Love Piglet :flowers:

11-03-07, 14:02
Glad to hear you're doing so well darkangel....best of luck for the future in everything you do.

take care

Coni X

11-03-07, 14:41
All the best, don't forget to pop back and visit us occasionally!


11-03-07, 16:10
:hugs: Hiya darkangel!!! you've realised its time to move on and write new chapter in your life, I wish you well and life is for living, hope you have a wonderful time, finding out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sincere wishes hon, love skylight

11-03-07, 17:40
Good luck for the future.

Karen x

11-03-07, 17:57
I will be sorry to see you go mate, but happy that you are feeling so much better that the time is right to move on....................hope everything goes well for you and you achieve everything you dream of :hugs:


Trac xxx

11-03-07, 18:38
All the very best to you Darkangel :hugs:

lotsa luv

GG :emot-dance:


11-03-07, 20:19
Good luck and take care

Dave x:flowers:

11-03-07, 21:40
All the best Angel!!!!

I wish i had the courage to leave but not ready yet!!!!!

Let us know how you are doing!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

11-03-07, 23:04
Well done Darkangel!

A bold and positive decision. You have exactly the right outlook.

NMP is a stepping stone to recovery and so I gladly wish you a fond farewell and a successful future.

Eeb x

12-03-07, 00:36
All the best Darkangel :hugs:

12-03-07, 01:37
So glad that you are doing so well:yesyes:

Pop back in anytime if you need to (or just to say hiya!!!)
Good luck and God bless!!!!!

12-03-07, 17:15
A big thanks to everyone for your kind messages - I will pop back now and again to see how you all doing and to let you all know of my progress.

You will be in my thoughts
Darkangel x

12-03-07, 17:30

It's really good to hear success stories like yours :hugs:

I wish you every luck with your future, and keep up the good work! You have done so well to get to where you are now :)

Pop back from time to time and let us know how you are doing! :)

Best wishes :hugs:

12-03-07, 22:29
Good luck,

Take Care,

Love & Wishes,

Pip's X X X X

13-03-07, 16:30
Good Luck:emot-wave: :byebye: :byebye: :emot-wave: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: