View Full Version : Trembling

12-05-16, 05:39
Hi everyone,

It's been a little while since I posted looking for advice on a symptom (unless you count the thread I started in the Propranolol forum, which was a fair question, I felt). I've been doing really well lately and am still really happy overall with how I'm getting on. My anxious thought has fallen right off - I'm pretty much back to my old self in terms of how much I worry about my health, which feels like a great achievement.

However, one thing I've noticed over the past week is that I've started to tremble, or to feel like I'm trembling. It's not noticeable - you wouldn't see it to look at me. For want of a better description, I just feel like I'm vibrating. It's very focused in my head, but I can also feel it in my body, especially my legs, which is odd. I almost feel like I can hear it as well, even though logically I know I can't. I almost feel like tuning fork constantly being tapped. To put it into a bit of context:

- I'm on Sertraline and Propranolol and am generally happy with how these medications are working for me.

- Funnily enough, I have anxiety. So could it just be adrenaline.

- I eat fairly well, but I do drink a lot of Coke. I'm not ruling out sugar and/or caffeine as part of the problem. That said, I've had so many blood tests and nothing has showed up.

- I'm not getting a lot of sleep.

- I have tinnitus. This may be totally irrelevant, but it does seem to have worsened since this vibrating sensation started.

Overall, I'm not too worried. No harm has come to me and nobody in the medical field is panicking. But I haven't had a chance to really discuss it with a doctor. I did search the forums but could find nothing that gave me a 'eureka' moment. I know nobody on here can diagnose it, but I'm just wondering if it sounds familiar. Because I'm on medication, I find it hard to decide if I think it's just adrenaline caused by anxiety or if it's my medication. I am having side effects, mainly weight gain and disrupted sleep, but I don't want to stop taking them as they are helping me.

Any thoughts on what might be going on.

Thanks. :)

12-05-16, 06:17
I remember one member coining this "the buzzing bees". It's a very common anxiety symptom and I've had it pretty much from the start. The more you recover, you will find it becomes a background thing or goes. It also tends to go if you get up and move about since it's more noticeable when sitting or lying.

Adrenaline can cause it.

I've seen plenty of threads about this since being here and commented on some of them. They are mostly on this board or the Symptoms board.

It's a paraesthesia. Anxiety and panic, vitamin deficiency, etc can cause these.

12-05-16, 06:29
Thanks Terry.

Yeah, I did see other threads, but I guess there was a degree of bias in my interpretation, as in 'my symptom must be different from all the others'.

It's good to know it's common. I do notice that it tends to go away when I'm active. It just makes it hard to sleep when you feel like a giant vibrator!

Anyway, as I said, I'm not overly worried. I might mention it to my doctor when I see her, but it doesn't seem like something to worry about.

12-05-16, 09:58
Hi Server,

I had this really badly when I tried to go back on SSRIs. It was like I couldn't believe nobody could hear me buzzing! I don't know if it was because of the meds or because of the increased anxiety from the meds but I certainly didn't enjoy it.

I've had the same thing to a lesser extent on and off for years. I used to try and describe it like being filled with lemonade. I never knew it was an anxiety thing at the time but it makes sense now. I always go to sleep with the radio (programmed to turn itself off in an hour) on so I can't hear it.

12-05-16, 11:06
Hi SERVER, don't take my word as gospel but when my anxiety was clear last time I used to tremble, I think we all know full well it likes to keep us in our toes and hates our attention isn't on it. Usually it's an ache, or a tremble, or a twitch. I used to get the tremble to at night and it was adrenaline. I took vitamins because I thought it was that and they helped but haven't since.