View Full Version : Think I have a brain tumour

12-05-16, 09:25
I started with a horrible Throb at the side of my head, now I'm off balance mr eyes keep going blurry now and then and my eyes just feel pressure. I really don't feel right. Head feels heavy and spaced out that teamed up with being off balance is making day to day life difficult.
I'm adamant it's a brain tumour but I had an mri two yrs ago due to migraines so I doubt they'll give me another which worries me further.
Really in a bad place physically and mentally right now :-(

---------- Post added at 09:25 ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 ----------

Also suffering with breathlessness which is another worry and I know there all symptoms of brain stem tumour, the worse ones

12-05-16, 09:33
If they thought you had a brain tumour, they'd give you an MRI scan. End of story.

If you're adamant it's a tumour, what would you have any of us say? Only a doctor can confirm or deny it. But the symptoms you describe are all common in anxiety.

12-05-16, 09:37
Agree with the above poster

Have a read through this earlier post by yourself and hopefully it will reassure you


12-05-16, 09:51
I haven't even been the Drs cause they'll just fob me off I reckon. I've had similar symptoms in the past but feels different this time, trying my hardest to shake the fear off and tell myself maybe it's something minor like I don't know hay fever or something.

Thanks for your reply it's very true that post, the past year I've been ok health anxiety wise, I learnt to not catastrophise anymore or react but I'm trying my best to do that now its just the fuzzy head/eyes thing and off balance makes it very difficult to ignore.

I took my daughter school this morning which was a struggling now I'm on the sofa with my duvet whilst the youngest naps cause I can't bare to walk.

12-05-16, 09:59
Do a search through the forum and you will see that this is really common with anxiety.

Try and use the techniques that you have to stop the catastrophizing and you will beat this.

12-05-16, 10:12
If you think you have a brain tumour and that the doctor will fob you off, all I can say is that your doctor is in the wrong profession. Fobbing off people with cancer is somewhat reckless.

The fact you believe your doctor won't suspect a brain tumour should tell you something about your fear.

12-05-16, 10:39
I just think cause of my age ect a dr never in a million years would suspect a brain tumour.
I may give them a call though and see what they say x

12-05-16, 10:54
If you worried about a gp fobbing you off, see another one. Have you had a eye test recently

Gary A
12-05-16, 11:12
I just think cause of my age ect a dr never in a million years would suspect a brain tumour.
I may give them a call though and see what they say x

That's completely untrue, if there's reason to suspect a brain tumour then no doctor on the planet would dismiss you due to your age.

You mentioned that you suffered previously with migraines, I think these could be the cause of at least some of your symptoms. Brain stem tumours can and do present with balance problems, but there are far far more common conditions that can cause this. When you say off balance, are you actually physically stumbling and struggling to walk, or do you just "feel" off balance?

12-05-16, 18:11
My husband had a brain tumour and he never had one headache, dizzy spell, eye trouble or anything like that. Brain tumour symptoms usually present with cognitive deficits, and the fact that you are quite able to sit at a computer and write out a perfectly coherent post, and reply to others questions, means the chances of you having a brain tumour are virtually zero.

12-05-16, 19:18
Actually stumbling. Fell over with my 6month old in my arms due to it.
Been throwing up all afternoon with it think I'll ring my Drs tomorrow X

Thanks Hun that makes me feel a little better even though I'm on my phone lol.
Going bed soon as I can't handle it x